(8) Desha-katha
Local gossip. (9) Bháshá-katha
Story telling. (10) Gunabandha katha
Defamatory gossip. (11) Devi katha
Goddess (12) Nishthura katha
Harsh language. (13) Paishúnya katha
Backbiting. (14) Kandarpa katha
Sexual gossip. (15) Deshakálánuchita katha In-opportune talk. (16) Bhanda katha
Gest. (17) Múrkha katha
Foolish talk (18) átmaprashansá
Self praise. (19) Parapariváda katha
Condemnatory talk, (20) Para-jugupsá katha
Contemptuous, (21) Para-pada-katha
Talk painful to others, (22) Kalah kathá
Querulous talk. (23) Parigraha katha
Talk about worldly objects. (24) Árambha katha
Talk about worldly activity. (25) Sangita váditra katha ... Talk about singing and music.
For the 25 passions, and 5 kinds of sleep see Jaina Gem Diction. ary, Appendix, 148, Sub-Classes of the 8 Karmas.
संजलणणोकसायाणुदयो मंदो जदा तदा होदि । अपमत्तगुणो तेण य अपमत्तो संजदो होदि ॥ ४५ ॥ संज्वलननोकषायाणामुदयो मन्दो यदा तदा भवति । अप्रमत्तगुणस्तेन च अप्रमत्तः संयतो भवति ॥ ४५ ॥
45. When (there is) mild (manda) operation of perfectright-conduct-preventing (Sanjvalana), and the minor passions (No kashaya), there arises the quality of non-carelessness (Apramatta', and by (reason of) this (quality, the soul) attains (the 7th spiritual stage) of perfect vow (Apramatta Samyata).
Commentary. The stage of perfect vows is of two kinds, ordinary perfect vow (Svasthána apramatta) and extraordinary perfect vow (Sátishaya apramatta).
णट्ठासेसपमादो वयगुणशीलोलिमंडिओ णाणी । अणुवसमओ अखवो झाणणिलीणोहु अपमत्तो ॥ ४६॥
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