SAMAYASARA it to shut out the impure psychical states of desire, aversion. and delusion. When these are shut out there in no inflow of karmas and that is just samvara.
Next it is explained how the Self, even though associated with impure karmas, is through discriminative knowledge, able to recognise his pure nature.
जहकणयमग्गितवियं पि कणयभावं ण तं परिच्चयदि ।
तह कम्मोदयतविदो ण जहदि णाणी दु णाणित्तं ॥१८४॥ jaha kanayamaggitaviyaṁ pi kaņayabhāvain na tain pariccayadi taha kammodeya tavido na jahadi nāni du rānittam (184)
यथा कनकमग्नितप्तमपि कनकभावं न तं परित्यजति ।
तथा कर्मोदयतप्तो न जहाति ज्ञानि तु ज्ञानित्वम् ॥१८४॥ 184. Just as gold, however much it is heated, never loses its intrinsic nature, so also the right knowing Self, however much it is burnt by the associated karmas, does not lose his intrinsic nature of pure knowledge.
एवं जाणदि णाणी अण्णाणी मुण दि रागमेवादं ।
अण्णाणतमोच्छण्णो आदसहावं अयाणंतो ॥१८५।। evam jāņadi ņāņi annāņi munadi rāgamevādam annānatamocchanno adasahāvam ayanamlo (185)
एवं जानाति ज्ञानी अज्ञानी मनुते रागमेवात्मानम् ।
अज्ञानतमोऽवच्छन्न आत्मस्वभावमनानन् ॥१८५॥ 185. Thus the Self with discriminative knowledge knows his true nature. But one lacking in this knowledgs, blinded by his own nescience unable to perceive his true nature, thinks that the nature of the Self is identical with the impure psychic states such as attachment.
Next it is pointed out how this apprehension of the pure nature is itself samvara.
सुद्धं तु वियाणंतो सुद्धं चेवप्पयं लहदि जीवो।
जाणतो दु असुद्धं असुद्धमेवप्पयं लहदि ॥१८६॥ suddhañ tu viyāņaṁto suddhaṁ cevappayam lahadi jivo janamto du asuddham asuddhamevap payam lahadi (186)
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