Subject Index
liberal outlook, 419-433
tions, etc., 150, and the wicked, 166, liberated souls, states found in, 199
and Gośālaka, 213n, 214n, and mendiliberated-while-living, 25-26, 78
cants of the tradition of Pārsva, 215n, liberation, 1, 29-34, 41, 221, 263-265, 288, his refutation of determinism, 232-233,
308, attainable through human body noteworthy features of his religion, 427only, 30, everlasting and endless, 32, 429, and caste, 430-431, and women, nature of, 32, means of, 41-42, disem- 431, and order of nuns, 431n, and dress bodied state of, 78, 80, 405n, and bond- etc., 432 age, 97-98, and religious sects, 150-152, manifestation (udaya), of karmic particles embodied state of, 15ln, worthy of, 199, (pradeśa), 203n, of effectiveness or unworthy of, 199, efforts for the attain- flavour (vipäka), 203n, effective, 204n, ment of, 264
nominal, 204n life, after death, 7, future, 17, consistency many-sided outlook (viewing), necessity of,
of, 17, means of destroying, 57-58, easy, 329, 361 81n, two aspects of, 427
Masatusa, Muni, 206 life-quantum, two types of, 286, open to material atoms (particles), different group
duration-reduction, 286-287, not open ings of, 23, 287n to duration-reduction, 283, 287, loose Materialists, xx, and good conduct, 251or tight bondage of life-quantum de- 252 pends on mildness or intensity of men- material karma, and soul, 308-309 tal perturbation at the time of bondage, material karmic particles, 287 286, of immediately next birth bound material object, 11, 12 in the present birth, 287
matter, 11, 13-16, forms of, 14, ultimate life-span-determining karma, 22, 285, its four unit of, 14, nature of, 14 subdivisions, 199, 285
meateater, 119, 119n light, 14
meat eating 146 living beings, subtle, en
medical treatment, involving killing, 356n love, universal, 166-169, for truth, 203n meditation, 23, state of, 84 low-status-determining karma, bondage of, medium of motion, 10-13, 15-16, 29 283
medium of rest, 11-13, 15-16
memory, 182, 319 Magadha, 106n
mendicant, spiritual discipline for, 43-44, major term, 321
108-111 Mahāvīra, and sramana culture, xvi, and mental perception, 64, 181, 317
Vedic scholars, xvi, and his revolution- mental perturbation, and bondage of lifeary teaching, xvii, 427-433, his quantum, 286. programme, xvii, and Prakrit language, mental states, 18, 85, control of, 85 xvii, his birth, xvii, and Pārsva, xviin, his mental traces, 318 death, xvii, not founder but propounder merit and demerit, main determinant facof Jaina religion, xviii, his method, xx t or of, 277 xxiii, xxn, xxin, and Buddha, xvii, xx, method, of agreement in presence, 321, of xxn, xxin, and his ten direct lay disciples, agreement in absence, 321 50n, 232n, and Indrabhūti Gautama, Mimamsā, 279n 67n, 140, 171, his austerity, 129-130, and Mimāṁsaka, 309, 335n, 345n donation, 139, and service of the sick minor term, 321 and miserable, 140n, and caste distinc miracles, 217, and modern science, 217
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