Appendix No. III Index of Jain Technical Terms Jainism and Tirthankara,
Enlightened true belief, Trust in Dharma
Ads sarvajña- Omniscient sarvadarsi - Omniseer • सर्वार्थसिद्ध sarvārthasiddha - A place of supreme gods in heaven
sankramaṇakarana - A process by which karmik paramāņus interchange
संख्यात sankhyāta - 1.
Numbers 2. That can be expressed in number or in mathematical equation vis sañjñā - 1. Insticts 2. Knowledge, rationality, recognition
is sañjni A living being having intelligence or
sensorium i.e. mind
संघयण sanghayana A
HR samsara - Birth-death
सहस्रार चक्र sahasrāra cakra - A centre for meditation on the head
सागरोपम sāgarāpama - The
largest unit of time that
contains 10 palyōpamas, Ocean measured period साधारण वनस्पतिकाय sādhārana vanaspatikaya - Having
infinite souls in a single body
Jain Education International
or cell of a plant
E sadhu -A Jain saint sadhvi - A Jain nun sāmāyika - Exercise
for meditation for 48 minutes HRA sārasvata - One kind of gods out of nine Lōkantika gods
fa săvitri - A sub-direction between north and
f sindhu - A name of river सुप्रतिष्ठाभ supratisthābha - A
place of one kind of gods out of nine Lōkāntika gods
SUSAMA - Second epoch of avasarpini and fifth epoch of utsarpiņi, Time period of planty
सुषम- दुःषम susama-duhsamaThird epoch of avasarpini and fourth epoch of utsarpiņi, Time period of planty with privation
सुषम- सुषम susama-susama - First epoch of avasarpini and last epoch of utsarpini, Time period of supreme planty
(E) sūkṣma(suhuma) - Micro, Subtle
suryabha - A place of one kind of gods out of nine Lōkäntika gods
Har sēvārta The sixth type of bone joint in which bones
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