that are adorned with life ought to be treated as kindred.”
In this teaching of Pythagoras we can find the central doctrine of Ahimsā--universal love to all beings. As a religious teacher Pythagoras insisted that his disciples should abstain completely from meat and intoxicating drink. Christianity was influenced also by the universal law of Ahimsā preached by the Gymnosophists who were the followers of the ancient religion of Ahimsā.
The prophet Zarathustra, who founded the Parsi religion, spoke against animal sacrifice and killing animals for food. He loved not only human beings but all living beings in the universe. He emphasized following the truth by mind, speech and deed. He also urged people to perform their duties devotedly, entertain good thoughts, do good deeds and not worship demons.
Thus the study of comparative Religion leads us to the conclusion that the “Maitri of Buddha (compassion toward all), Love of Christ, Reciprocity of Confucius and Ahimsā of Lord Mahāvīra can be called the “gist of religion.” It rests mainly on one's own way of thinking as well as living. Those who have made an extensive study of comparative Religion and the law of morals are of the opinion that animal sacrifice stands for the bestial tendencies and low passions existing in our heart retarding our spiritual advancement. The late Bharat Ratna Dr. Bhagavandas has expressed the essence of religion in the following verse—“Thus we enjoin
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