humanity agree upon the utility and efficacy of compassion. Life is dear to all creatures and the entire wealth of the world is nothing as compared to life. Mature reflection and a thorough study of the world's literature on morality and religion will convince an impartial seeker of truth that the main element of genuine religion found in any system of thought or creed is the sanctity of life.
Sober thinking reveals that we will have to reap the consequences of bad, fair or foul actions or inclinations. There is no power which will change the universal law of cause and effect. Talk of morality, culture, love of God, service to humanity and the like appear to be without meaning unless one's heart is blessed with compassion for all living beings.
The Ahimsa Darma or law of non-violence has the miraculous and infinite power of raising mortal man to his inborn status of Divinity and filling him with infinite joy, knowledge, power and immortality. The law of piety and non-violence has been preached in all the major religions of the world-Buddhism, Sanatana Dharma (Hindu Religion), Islam, Christianity and Zorastrianism. The prophets of these religions all agree upon the utility and efficacy of compassion and non-violence as is described briefly in the following.
Buddhism is the religion preached by Buddha. In the Dhammapada it is stated:
"All men tremble at punishment, all men fear death, all men love life; remember that you are like unto them and do not kill nor cause slaughter.
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