of the material necessities of life at an acceptable level. Without science, only a few could live well, and that too by denying to many even the barest necessities of subsistence. This has been man's history so far, but science has changed this.
Moreover science has made possible the reality of a one world, although it has not been realized yet. There is a parallel between science and nature in this respect. Nature has made man one single species, yet the people of the world are fragmented into groups (now called nations) which behave towards each other as if they belong to different species. Such human creations as language, poetry, patriotism, religion and even science, which make man the pinnacle of evolution, also make him in some ways lower than the animals from whom he ascended. This is man's grim tragedy, whose roots go back thousands of years. The way out is now dimly discernible. In the age of the atom there is to be either one world or none, and there is every hope that the choice will be in favour of the former. Non-violence is the way to that one
Non-violence is not a mere abstention from violence but is much more. Non-violence is of no avail if I wish to deprive another of his rights or of what belongs to him. Non-violent means and evil goals are a basic contradiction. Violence corrupts that goal but non-violence makes a good goal even better. It is man's singular good fortune that the atom and Gandhi were synchronized in time. They both came in the twentieth century. They need to be synchronized in
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