worldly wanderings, and then after having understood them properly and without vacillation try to avoid those causes ; and he should also know the means which bring destruction of mundane conditions and lead to nirvana and after having understood them properly and assuredly try to adopt those rules.
The knowables, he may try to know according to his common sense and intellect. If any subtle matters are not capable of being grasped by his understanding, he should not be sorry or uneasy on that account. Necessary it is to know the avoidable and the adoptable as Saint Nâgasena says in his “ Tattvánusâsana.”
तापत्रयोपतप्तेभ्यो भव्येभ्यः शिवशर्मणे। तत्त्वं हेयमुपादेयमिति द्वेधाभ्यधादसौ ॥३॥ बंधो निबंधनं चास्य हेयमित्युपदर्शितं । हेयं स्याङ्ःखसुखयोर्यस्माद्वीजमिदं द्वयं ॥४॥ मोक्षस्तत्कारणं चैतदुपादेयमुदाहृतं । उपादेयं सुखं यस्मादस्मादाविर्भविष्यति ॥ ५॥ Tapatra yôpa taptebhyó Bhavyébyah siva sarmanê Tattvam héyamūpâdeyamiti dvedhabhyadhadasau 3 Bandho nibandhanam châsya heyamit yūpa
darśitam Heyamsyadduhka sukhayor yasmadbíjamidam .
dvayam 4. Moksastatkâranam chaita dupade ya mudâhritam, Upadéyam sukham yasmadasmâdávirbhavisyati 5. " In order that the deserved ones who are afflicted
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