dukkho, rogato, gandato, sallato, aghato, abadhato, parato, palokato, sunnato, anattatto, samanupassati so tehi dhammehi chittam pativapeti, so tehi dhammehim chittam patavapeiva amata ya dhatuyya chittan upasanhati : Etain santam etam panitam yaditam savva. sankharasamatho, savvupadhipatinissago tanha-khayo virago nirodho nibbananti so tattha thito a savanam khayam papuniti.”
“He sees the nature of feeling, perception, contact and impure) consciousness as transitory, painful, diseased, wounded, pricking, demeritorious, miserable and foreign, and finds himself free from them. He removes his mind from them. Being thus unattached, he carries his mind to the immortal. That Nirvana is peaceful, highest, where all contacts are dissolved, where all defects are removed, where thirst is destroyed, non-attachment has risen, non-self is prevented--that is Virvana. He who is absorbed in it destroy's asavas." ।
“The Word of the Buddha" by Nyaya tiloka ण्णानागतं ते धम्मे अनिच्छतो, दुःखो, रोगतो, गंडतो, सल्लतो, अघतो, आवाधतो, परतो. पलोकतो, सुन्नतो, अनत्तत्तो समनु पस्सति । सो तेहि धम्मेहि चित्तं पटिवापेति, सो ते हि धम्महिं चितं पटिवापेत्वा अमताय धातुय्य चित्तं उपसंहति एतं संतं एतं पणीतं यदितं सवसंखारसमथो सव्वुपाधिपटिनिस्लग्गो, तन्ह-खयो विरागो निरोधो निव्वानंति सो तत्थायिता आसवानं खयं पापुणाति ॥"
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