abhannasim, ayam asava-nirodho ti yathabhutam abhane nasim, ayam asava-nirodha-gamini patipada ti yatha. bhutam abhannasim; tassa me evain jânato evan passato kamasavapi chittam vimuchchitha viinuttasmin vimuttam iti nanam ahosi ; khîna jâti, vusitam brahmchariyam, katam karani yan. nâparam itthatthayati abhanna sim, ayam kho me brahmana rattiya pachhime yame tamo vihato aloko uppanno, yatha tam appamattassa atâpino pahitattassa viharto."
An English rendering of the text would be as follows. “Having thus pacified the mind, purified it, made it dirtless, having got rid of miseries, having become blissful, having brought the mind under control, on the destruction of dsavas or impure thoughts, I realized thus :-It is misery, its true nature is known; it is the cause of misery, its true nature is known ; it is the preventing of misery, its true nature is known; it is the way leading to prevention of misery, its true nature is known ; these are the ásavás, now truly known; these are the causes of åsavās, now truly known; this is the prevention of dsavas now truly known ; this is the way of prevention of åsavấs, now truly known. When thus I knew, and thus I realised, thought activities णाणं अहोसि; खीणा जाति, वुसितं ब्रह्मचरियं, कतम करणीयं, नापरं इत्थत्थायाति अभण्णासिं, अयं खोमे ब्राह्मण मे रत्तिया पछिमे यामे तमो विहतो आलोको उप्पन्नो, यथातं अप्पमत्तस्स मातापिनो पहितत्तस्स विहरतो"
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