hi mahåmate prayah pranino niraparâdhino badhyante svalpadanya hetoh kastham mahâ mate rasa trisna yâmiti sevitam mansani manusyanyapi mânusavibhaksyante kimpunaritara mriga paksi prâne sambhūta mansani prâyo mahámate mânsarasa' trisnartairidam tathả tatha jâla yantra mâ viddham moha purusair yach chhâ kuni kàurabhraka kaivartâdayah khechara bhūchara jalacharán pránino naparâ dhino nekaprakâram mulya hetor visasanti.
"O wise man, neither flesh should be eaten nor murder should be done on that account; mostly for the sake of money, harmless living beings are killed : very few on account of other cause. It is painful that for the great desire of flesh, even men eat the human flesh, what to speak about the flesh of animals and birds etc. Mostly for the sake of deluding persons pained by the desire of eating Hesh, killers of birds, lambs and fish through their nets and machines kill birds, deer, fish etc., harmless creatures to gain money." .
“म च महामतेऽकृतयमकारित मासकल्पितं माम मांस कल्प्यमस्ति यदुपायानुजानीयं श्रवकेभ्यः, भविष्यति तुपुनर्महामतेऽमागतेऽध्वनि ममैव शासने प्रवृजित्व शाक्यपुत्रीयत्तं पतिज्ञानानः काषायध्वजधारिणो मोह पुरुषां मिथ्यावितर्कोपहतचेतसो विविधविनय विकल्प वादिनः सत्कायदृष्टियुक्ताः रसतृष्णाद्यवासितास्तां तां मांसभक्षणहेत्वाभासां ग्रंथयिष्यति मम च भूताख्यानं दातव्यं मनस्यन्ते तत्तदथोत्पत्ति निदानं कल्पयित्वा वक्ष्यन्ति, इयं अर्थोत्पत्ति रस्मिनिदाने भगवता
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