JAINISM AND BUDDHISM Sôham na tanna så nâsau naikô na dvau na vâ
___bahu 23 Yadbhậvé sușuptô ham yad bhâve Vyutthitah
punah, Atîndriyamanirdes'yam tat svasamvédya masmy
aham 24. “ I am that which is realizable by me, in me, as it is, I am not — it,' not — she,' nor he, not one, nor two, not many."
“In the absence of which I was sleeping, in the presence of which I am awakened, that is I which is supra-sensual, indescribable and realizable by myself.”
(4) Istopadesa by the same author. स्वसंवेदनसुव्यक्तस्तनुमानो निरत्ययः।
अत्यंतसौख्यवानात्मा लोकालोकविलोकनः॥२१॥ Svasamvedana suvyaktastanumâtrô niratyayah, Atyanta saukhyavanâtmâ lôkâlôka vilôkanah 21.
“The soul has the highest bliss, it knows the universe and the non-universe, is indestructible, is of the size of the body it occupies, and is realizable by the self only.”
(5) Ātmânusásaná by Sri Gunabhadra Acharya. ज्ञानस्वभावः स्यादात्मा खभावावाप्तिरच्युतिः। ... तस्मादच्युतिमाकांक्षन् भावयेज्ज्ञानभावनाम् ॥१७॥ मामन्यमन्यं मां मत्वा भ्रान्तो भ्रान्तौ भवार्णवे। नान्योहमहमेवाहमन्योन्वोन्योहमस्ति न ॥ २४३ ॥ अजातोऽनश्वरोऽमूर्तः कर्ता भोक्ता सुखी बुधः । देहमानो मलैर्मुक्ता गत्त्वोर्ध्वमचलः प्रभुः ॥ २६६ ॥
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