P. 65. Now, when a brother, Ananda, does not regard soul under these aspects either as not feeling or having feeling, then he, thus refraining from such views, grasps at nothing whatever in this world, and not grasping he trembles not, and trembling not, he by himself attains to perfect peace. And he knows that birth is at an end, that the high life has been fulfilled, that what had to be done had been accomplished, and that after this present world, there is no beyond.
The above dialogue, if deeply thought of, will show that, that which is free from all kinds of thoughts, is only realizable and is fully peaceful, is the pure soul itself.
When all attachment to all the objects, thoughts, impure natures and all lust and hate etc. are given up, then there is nothing to relinquish and nothing to grasp -that is the condition of soul's perfect equanimity or self-absorption. Really it is the way to Nirvâna and it is the Nirvana itself.
The Jain Saint Amritachandra says in Samayasâra
अन्येभ्यो व्यतिरिक्तमात्म नियतं विभ्रत पृथक वस्तुता । मादानोज्शन शून्य मेतदमलं ज्ञानं तथावस्थितम् ॥ मध्याद्यन्त विभागमुक्त सहज स्फार प्रभा भासुरः । शुद्ध ज्ञान घनोयथास्य महिमा नित्योदयस्तिष्ठति ॥ उन्मुक्त मुन्मोच्य मशेषतस्त तथात्त मा देय मशेषस्तद् । यदात्मना संहृत सर्वशक्तेः पूर्णस्य संधारण मात्मनीह ॥
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