Alsdorf: Kleine Schriften, as nicely edited by Albrecht Wezler (Wiesbadon, 1974). And such conviction is based on my first hand knowledge of two unpleasant examples : In spite of some efforts by a few individuals and associations, a collection of Dr.A.N.Upadhye's more than 150 learned research papers (in English) did not come out until now. Similar is the case of the collection of Dr.Hiralal Jain's learned research papers (in Hindi), not in a small number. Hence, I decided to give first preference to this plan and set myself to work it out at this age - nearly a decade after retirement.
Finding and sorting out available off-prints of papers, searching out some Journals, Commemoration and Felicitation Volumes, Souvenirs, etc., that did not provide off-prints of those respective papers, getting their typed or xerox copies, tracing out typescripts or manuscripts of a few papers that were long back sent for some Commemoration and Felicitation Volumes which had not come out as yet - was all a cumbersome job for a retired liie Managing all this single handedly and listing down? the titles of all papers produced during the course of more than three decades - which amounted to 110 in English, 10 in Kannada and 2 in Prakrit. some 51 in English were selected and brought under the general title, "Studies in Jainoiogy Prakrit Literature, and Languages'.
But arranging the selected papers in the serial order was found quite problematic. Neither the
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