Studies in Jainolgy, Prakrit
Vinacia arahijjai, Ayario sawa-samgho.
“Vinaya is the gate of salvation; it is Vinaya with which one can accomplish self-restraint, austerity and knowledge, and one can win over (the favour of) the Acrya and even the (whole) Sangh - the Jaina social organization."
This gahā also helps us to cxplain why some canonical works, like the Upasakadasah and Aupapatika- sutra, have straightway used the term Vinaya in the sense of Samyama and Caritra - cthical discipline.
Further the Tattvärtha-sūtra, the Bible of Jainism, points out (VI.6.1) that Vinaya- sampannatā - possessing of Vinaya is one of the 16 virtucs that constitute excellent moral character (of ascetics as well as houscholders).
Then it is interesting 10 note that Hemacandra in his Yogasäsira enlists Saumya - modest, soft cte, as one of of 35 qualities of an illustrious houscholder. Similarly, Santisuri in his Dharmaratna-Prakarana another treatise, of the medicval period, on the householder's uits, enlists Vinita leing possessed of Vinaya, as one of the 21 qualities of an ideal layman. Moreover, Vinaya is one of the six abhyantara-tapas - internal austerities, tapa being a form of self-discipline or self-training for spiritual life.
Litstly I would just present a literary evidences, one annient and canonical, and the other medieval and narrative-cum-didactic, which highlight the prime importance of Vinaya in Jainism.
(1) In the story of Sclaka in the Nayadhamma-Kahão, the Sixth Anga of the Ardhamagadhi Canon, Jina Dharma is referred 10 as Vinaya- mula-dharma - Faith based on Vinaya, which is twofold: agara-vinaya (for houscholders) and anagara-Vinaya (for monks), Vinaya thereby mcaning Ethical Discipline - Acaradharma.
“Tac nam Thāvaccaputic Sudamsaņain vayasi Sudamsaņā vinayamule dhamme pannatte. Te viya vinae duvihe pannatte tamjaha
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