Mahavira and His Relevance
union and made perceptible to the eye. As above H2O water is produced by combination of 2 hydrogen atoms and one oxygen (which are both invisible). Hydrogen combined with chlorine (invisible) gives Hydrochloric acid Hcl. A beam of Xrays projected into air, separates positive and negative charges. Particles called ions (invisible) are produced, but when from an aeroplane some metallic particles are sprayed those ions turn into visible rain showers. This process exactly confirms the above Jain view.
Conclusion-Centuries ago, in ancient times there existed no laboratories nor any sophisticated appliances, yet Lord Mahavira by his omniscience and his learned saints and subsequent preceptors, by their sharp acumen, minute observation and vast empirical experience, predicted some of the most fundamental truths of Nature, which have been substantiated by the modern science after innumerable experiments. The sole aim of those ancient philosophers and seekers of truth was the amelioration of this spirit and manifestation of Perfect Divinity-the attainment of everlasting Beatitude-Salvation; but in order to understand the various phenomena of this mundane soul, incidentally they had also to investigate the various modifications of Non-souls and their interactions. Almost all the non-Jain metaphysicists had denied existence of any life in the five elements of Earth, Water, Air, Fire and Vegitable Kingdom. But after the illustrious researches of Dr. J. C. Bose and other scientists, life has been found in all vegitable kingdom as predicted by the Jain thinkers. Some of the modern scientists have confirmed life in Live Earth and water. The day is not far off when air and fire will be confirmed to possess life as foretold by the Jain preceptors. The modern science in order to solve the various problems of light waves (Photons) and the Electoro Magnetic Nature (Maxwall) had to postulate the existence of Ether (Dharmastikāya) as its medium, and the field for force of gravitation in causing rest (Adharmastikāya). Space and time are indispensable for the working out of the Theory of Relativity (Einstien) and four dimensional Universe. The Jain definition of matter as possessing energy and capable of undergoing various modifications of light, heat, sound, magnetism and electricity (Snigdha-Rukṣa-Bandha) has been confirmed by the modern science and epitomized by Einstien's formula of E=mc2. Matter and energy are interchangeable. Louis de Broglie in his thesis (1929) has
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