Studies in Indian Philosophy
the notion of I and Mine, and consequently attachment to oneself and things around and all ills of life. Even the belief in impermanence makes one more engrossed in the world in the vain hope of eliciting maximum pleasure out of life, but the consequent result is more suffering. In either case, the practice of Brahmacariya is not possible. 11
It is wise to leave the futile attempt to decode metaphy. sical truths and to work with oneness of mind and in all earnestness for getting rid of sufferings once for all. If one does not do so, one will act like a person pierced with deadly arrow who instead of getting himself treated, uselessly engages himself to know about the person who shot at, etc., before he agrees to be treated. The result of his foolish action would be that before the information is gathered he will pass away. So is the fate of one seeking for a solution of metaphysical. problems, 13
Being aware of the above difficulties and futility of theorising about metaphysical things, Buddha refused to answer the questions put to him. He says that to hold that the world is eternal or to hold that it is not, or to agree to any other of the propositions is “ the wilds of views, the wriggling of views, the scuffling of views, the fetter of views; it is accompained by anguish, distress, misery, fever; it does not conduce to turning away from, nor to dispassion stopping, calming, super knowledge, awakening, nor to nibbāna. I, Vaccha, beholding that this is a peril, thus do not approach any of these (speculative) view.”18 It is further added that a Tathāgata is free from all speculative views; "by the destruction, dispassion, stopping, giving up, casting out all imaginings, all supposings, all latent pride that 'I am the doer, mine is the doer,' a Tathāgata is freed without clinging."14 Thirst For Real Transformed
The human thirst for the real has found its expression in the metaphysical speculations aiming at decoding the sub. stratum underlying the phenonemon which gives a sense to
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