Tattvārthādhigamsūtra and Prasamarati
(pudgala) has form and other substances are formles and impercep. tible.91 Matter (pudgala) is possessed of touch, taste, smell and colour. 28 It consists of numerable, innumerable, and infinite parts and it is divided into atoms (aņu) imperceptible, and molecules (skandha)perceptible. Atom does not consist of parts and hence it is indivisible. :3 Skandha is composed of atoms and forms, the basis of body, speech, mind and vital air and the cause of worldly enjoyment, pain and plea. suros, life and death.24 Dharma and adharma are principles of motion and rest respectively, which help the movement of jiva and pudgala. 28 Dharma, adharma, akasa have one substance each.96 All of them are motionless.21 Dharma and adharma occupy asankhya units of space. a 8 Akāśa occupies unlimited units.49 The function of space is to give room to all substances. 80 Kāla is the auxiliary condition of the continuance, modification, and activity now and then.31 The same line of thought is found in Prasamarati 39
Ten kinds of dharmas, 38 twelve bhāvanās (anupreksas),34 of T.S. are enumerated by Prasamaratkāra with little change of order to suit his metrical need.83 Four types of Karmabandhall and their subdivisions of T.S. are accepted by the author of Prasamarati.38 Definition of rativas is common to both T.S. and Praśamarati. According to T.S. the auspicious activities of mind, speech and body are the causes of inflow of good karmas and inauspicious activities are the cause of inflow of bad karmas (asrava). 59 Control of inflow of karma is samvara. 40 Stock of 21. Rūpinahpudgalāh, T.S. V-4. 22. Sparsarasagandhavarnavantah pudgalak-V-23. 23. Sankhyeyāsaikhyeya'sca pudgalāḥ, T.S. V-10, 24. T.S, V-19, 20. 25. Gatisthit yupagraho dharmadharmayorupakāraḥ—T.S. V-17. 26. Akaśādekadravyani-T.S. V-5. 27. Nişkriyānica--T.S. V-6. 28. Asankhyeyāḥ pradeśāk dharmadharmayok-T.S. V-7. 29. Akašas yānantaḥ--T.S. V-9. 30. Akaśasyavagāhal-T.S. V-18. 31. Vartana purinamah kriya paratvāparatve ca kālasya-T.S. V-22. 32. PRP.-207-8, 213-218. 33. Utramah kşamāmārda värja vasaucastyasamyamatapāsteyākiñcanyabrabmacaryāni
dharmah-T.S. IX-6. 34. Apityāśaranasaṁsāraikatvanyatvāsucitvasravasamvaranir jarā lokabodhidurlatbadha
masvākbyätatvānucintanamanuprekşāḥ-T.S IX-7. 35. PRP.-167, 149-162.
38. PRP. 35-36. 36. T.S. VIII-4.
39. T.S. VI-3-4. 37. T.S. VIII-5-6.
40. Ibid. IX-1-2,
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