Praśamaratiprakaraņa aud eommentaries on it
His Commentary is very precise and systematic. It seems that Hari. bhadra follows this old commentary and thus does not feel it necessary to give detailed explanations of many well-known principles of Jainism. His Commentary justifies bis own statement “samasena" (very briefly), made in the colophon.o 1
Though, it is very difficult to say which commentary is older, still Haribhadra's commentary seems to be later than unknown author's commentary. Haribhadra mentions some alternative readings of the text in his commentary which are found in unknown author's commen: tary and in the text which it follows.98 Secondly, Haribhadra divides PRP., into 22 chapters on the basis of different topics dealt89 in it, while these divisions are not found either in the text accepted by unknown author or in his commentary. It is certain that, if unknown author's commentary is later than Haribbadra's, these divisions could have been mentioned by this commentator also. Thirdly, Haribhadra's commen. tary is very precise and seems to be summary form of unknown author's commentary. Fourthly, some of the incorrect readings of the text followed by unknown commentator seem to be corrected by Haribhadra. 30 Haribhadra corrects the commission and omission commited
27. "Sukhabodhārtham samāsena" PRP.-Colophon-3. L. D. Insti. A'bad. 28. Following are some of the alternative readings of the text mentioned by Haribhadra
in his commentary which are accepted by an unknown author. (a) PRP. 51, Puştikarah (H). "Tuştikaral" (unknown author). (6) Ibid. 146, Upayoga (H). Upaghāta (unknown). (c) The reading Upaghāta is accepted by unknown author in his commentary. But
text aecepted by him retains the word Upayoga. It might be a mistake of the
copy-writer. (d) PRP. 182. Four words of this verse are found in Accusative cases (dvitiya
vibhaktyanta) in the text accepted by Haribhadra whereas same words are found in Nominative cases (prathamavibhaktyanta) in the text aecepted by unknown author. This is clearly mentioned by Haribhadra in the following
words : anyctvatra āryāyām cat väryapipadani prathamāvibhakt yantani vyakhyanti. (e) PRp. 221, tapaupadhānāttu (H); upadhānam tu (unknown). (1) Ibid, 245, Sugamamārgasya (H), Sugamapärasya (Un).
(8) Ibld. 286, Sarvabhāvāni (H), Sarvabhāvini (Un). 29. Dvāvimsatyadhikäräh mukhyā iha dharmakathikayam, PRP. colophon-9. 30. Incorrect readings
correct readings (unknown author)
(Haribhadra) (a) PRP-61 silāngagahasradbāriņa), - silãngasahasradhāraṇe. (b) Ibid, 100, Parivādātmotkarpacca Parivādādātmotkarşācca
(Chandobhangah). (c) Ibid, 125, Tatsartgo,
Yatsarăgo. (d) Ibid, 136, Dirūpamadhștih,
Darüpamadhrtina (chandobhangah).
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