Refutation of Advaita Vedānta ...
the works of stalwarts of Advaita Vedanta such as Sankara 69 and his followsers which certainly deserve separate treatment. It is also vory important to note that, thougb Jaipas criticise the some of the doctrines of Advaita, still some Advaitic trends are steeped into Jainism.70 And there was trend to reconcile Jainism with Advaita and other systems of Indian Philosopby. For instance, Yašovijaya 71 a 17th century Jaina stalwart proclaims that Jainism has no quarrel with any other system of Indian thought.
(ABBREVIATIONS used in Notes)
A.S. - Astasahasri A.M. - Āptamjmāmsā N.K. - Nyāyakumudacandra P.N.T. - Pramananayatattvalokālan kära R.K.A. - Ratnākarāvatārika S.M. - Syadvadamañjari S.R. - Syājvādaratnakara S.S.P. - Satyaģäsana pasikṣā S.V. Siddhiviniscaya T.S.
Tattvārthadhigamasutra V.S.B. - Viseşāvagyakabhāsya
69. (a) Works of Sankaracárya.
(b) Sambandha vārtika (c) Advaita siddhi, ed. Anantakrishna Shastri, Nirnayasagar Press, Bombay, 1917. (d) Madhvatantramukhamardanam-ed. Pt. Ramanatha Diksit, Hanuman ghat,
Benares-1941. 70. a) "Samalam nirmalam cedamit idvaitam yadagatam. Advaitam nirmalam Brahmata
daikam vasişyate", Yasovijaya-Adhyatmonanişat prakaraṇa, 11-40, p. 152.
Adhyatmasara, Adhyatmopanişad, Jnanasaraprakaranatrayi, Pub Sanghavi Nagindas Karmacanda, Jamnagar, V. S. 1994. (b) "Advaitic Trends in Jainism'- 1 he Jaina Antiquary. Vol. XXIII 1965. p. 671, Abaddham paramārthena paramārthena baddhañca vyavahārataḥ. Bruvânobrahmavedan
nänekāntam pratikşipet".-Adhyātmopanişat prakarana-I p-50, and 45-49 and 51,
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