Reconciliation of different philosophical view-points
Influence of anekāntevāda is found in the latter Vedanta works such as works of Ramānuja, Bhāskara, Vijñānabhiksu, Nimbārka, Srikantha Sivācārya and Vallabha. 58
It shows that, anekantavādu the doctrine of reconciliation is acceptable to all the systems of philosophy. Yašovijaya, the great 17th century Jaioa stalwart, keeping all these views in his mind, makes a beautiful statement that every system of Indian philosophy has accepted this anekāntavāda, which harmonises all the conflicting views, and sees unity in diversity. There is really no reason to reject this doctrine, 59
58 Darsan aur Anekāntavāda, p. 94-119. 59 Adhyatmopanişat-prakarana, 1-44-53, and 61 62, Adhyatmasara, Adhyātmopanişal,
Jilānasāra, Prakaranatrayi. Pub : Sanghavi, N. K. Jamnagar, V. S. 1994.
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