Ātmabodha (Alocanã) of Padmapandi
12th century writers such as Jayasena 19 and Padmaprabha. 80 Jayasena flourished in the beginning of the 12th century and commented upon Pancāstikāya and Padmaprabba Maladbarideva flourisbed in the middle of the 12th century A.D. and commented on Niyamasāra. Prabhacandra 1 in bis commentary on The Ratnakarandakaśravak ācāra quotes two verses from Padmanandi's work. He flourished circa end of the 12th or beginning of the 13ih century. We also find verses quoted from Padmanandi's work in the Āsādhara's Svopajñavịttia on Dharmāmộta, who lived in the 13th century AD. Again. Padmanandi seems to be influenced by the writers such as Somdevasűria 3 and Amitagati, 24 who flourished, in the 10th and beginning of the 11th coutury, A.D. respectively.. Padmanandi bodily lifted certain lines from the Somadeva's Yaśastilaka. So, it is certain that our Padmananoi, the writer of twentyfive small treatises, must have flourished in the first and second quarter of the 12th century A.D. Tbe Kannada commentary on Ekatyasaptati, cleary mentions that, Padmanandi is a contemporary of Nimbadeva who flourished in 1136 A.D.2 The Kannada commentary on Ekatvasaptati, mentions the word 'labdhātmavrtti' on the basis of which some scholars presume that, the author himself has written the Kannada commentary. 86 But this possibility is ruled out because, the commentator Padmanandi is not a pupil of Viranandi, but disciple of Subhacandra-Rāddhantadeva and his Vidyāguru is Kanakanan di Pandita.al Though Padmapaodi was a great scholar of Sanskrit, Prakrit and Kannada, still it is very difficult to specify place of activity of our author. He might bave lived in the Kannada speaking area.
19. Jayasena quotes 14th verse of Ekatvasaptati, Pañcāstikāya with Jayasena's
Commentary, Gātha-162. 20. Padmaprabha and commentary on the Niya masāra-A. N. Upadhye. pub.
Journal of the University of Bombay-X-II, 1942. 21. Ratnakarndakaśrāvakācāra-Introduction-pub, Manik acandra D. J. Granthamala,
24. Bombay, 1925. 22. Jaina Säbitya aur Itibása--N, Premi, Bomboy, 1956. p. 342 F, 23. Yaśastilaka and Indian Culture--K. K. Handiqui, Sholapur, 1949, 24. Jaioa Sahitya aur Itihäsa-Ilnd ed. N. Premi, Bombay, 1956. p. 275 FF. 25. Padmanandipancavim sati--Introduction, p. 17. 26. Ibid. p. 17-18. 27. Svasti śri Subhacandrarāddhāntadevagcusisyena, Kanakapandi pandita văgrasmi
-vikasitahrtkumudānanda-..-Concluding portion of the Kannada cominentary on Ekat vazaptati --Introduction, p. 17.
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