Upanisadic influence on...
or the Absolute is that from which all speech within the mind turos away unable to reach it.9 Brhadaranyaka Upanisad declares that the Atman (Reality) can only be described by 'not this', 'not this'. He is incomprehensible for he can never be comprehended. He is indestructible. He is unattached for he does not attach himself. He is unfettered. He does not suffer. 10 The intended meaning of this statement is that the Absolute is characterless and indefinable. That which may be predicated of it falls outside of it and thus fails to define it. The Absolute is described in positive terms also. Taittiriya Upadişad describes it as *Existence, Consciousness and Infinity 11 Reality is eternal, all pervading, omnipresent and extremely subtle. 13 We are also told in the Bộbadāraṇyaka that this great Being infinite and boundless is only a mass of consciousness. 13 This consciousness itself is Absolute. 14 Emphasising knowledge, the Katha Upanişad states that by his light all this is illumined.15 Mundaka also tells us that he who knows Supreme Brahman becomes Brahman bimself.16 In Taittiriya Upanişad also it is said that the knower of Brahman reaches the Supreme, 17
Asanga in his Mahayānasūtrālankara, describes Reality in positive as well as in negative terms like the Upanaşadic thinkers. It is non-dual, inexpressible and indeterminate. 18 It is neither exsstence nor non-existence, nor both nor neither. 19 It cannot be obtained by reason or logic. 20 It is neither production nor destruction.a1 It is unimaginable, immeasurable and all pervading. It is pure self-luminous conscious. ness. 28 It is the universal soul.94 Like the Upanişads, he describes
9. Yato väco givartante apräpya manasa saba. Taitt. Up. II-4 and 9. 10. Sa eşa netineti ityātmā agrāhyo na hi gļhyate, asiryo nasiryate, asargo pa hi
sajyate, asito na vyathate, na rișyati. Bșh. Up. IV-IV-22 and IV-V-15. 11. Satyam jñānam anantam Brahma. Taitt. Up. II-). 12. Nityam vibhum sarvagatam susūksmam. Mund. Up. l-1-6. 13. Vijñanaghana eva. Bțb. Up. I-IV-12. 14. Prajñānam Brahma. Ait. Up. III-3. 15. Tasya bhāsā sarvamidan vibhāti. Kath. Up. II-V-15. 16. Brahmavid brahmaiva bbavati. Mund. Up. III-II-9. 17. Brahmavidāpnoti param. Taitt, Up. II-). 18. Mahāyānas airāla ikära (MSA) XI-13, ed. S. Bagchi, Mithila Institute, Darbhanga,
1970. 19. MSA. IX-24. 20. MSA. 1-12. 21. MSA. VI-1. 22. MSA. IX-40. 23. MSA. XIII-19. 24, MSA. IX-23.
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