Pramanavārtikabhāsya alias Pramānavārtikalankāra is a voluminous ..mature philosophical work by a Buddbist Prajñākaragupta (c. 8th Cent A.D).
It is written in prose-and-verse style. It contains 2666 (8791162+625) verses. He very often presents the pūrva paksa in the words of opponent himself. This is the reason why almost the entire chapter of Niralambanavada from Slokavārtika is quoted by him. From this it is clear that all the verses occurring in the Bhasya are not from his pen. Mahapandita Rahulji has noted at least 80 verses which are found in Slokavārtika. Over and above them there are verses which are definitely of Kumärila but are not found in his Šlokavārtika. They might be from his lost Bịhattikā. For instance, talra pūryārthavijñānań (p. 21), vi preks yeta hiyo mohāt (p. 597) are definitely from Kumarila's BỊhautika (Refer to Ratnakirtinibandhavali p. 38, 105, 106). Again, we know that there was a practice among Sanskrit writers to adopt the verses of others with some minor verbal changes which may or may not change the meaning of the original. For instance, in Jayanta's Nyāyamanjari (Kashi Ed. pt. II p.51) there occurs a verse cikitsadiprayogastu golake yah pravartate, so'yam adhārasarskāra adheyasyopakārakah. And it is very difficult to have even the idea that it is adopted by Jayanta from Slokayārtika. There its verson is : cikiisādiprayogas' ca yo 'dhisthane prayujyate, so'pi tasyaiva samskāra ādheyasyopakārakah (Slokavao Pratyaksa 45). We are likely to meet with such cases" in Prajnakaragupta too. So, for the study of this type the indexes of half verses in all Sanskrit Philosophical works will prove very useful and fruitful. There existed no index of the verses of Pramanavārtikabhäsya. Hence we have prepared it. This will also serve as an aid to the research scholars engaged in critically editing the Sanskrit philosophical texts. Moreover, the study of such indexes of half verses can help even to fix up the chronological order of the Sanskrit writers.
While preparing this index we have made some corrections or amend. ments in the printed verses, when we felt that they needed them.
Dalsukh Malvania
L. D. Institute of Indology
(INDIA) 1-8-1970
Jain Education International
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