Jainism and Sallekhana
involves in the breach of pure conduct and thoughts, like seeing sex displays, gambling, shooting of birds etc.; (3) himsāpradanavirati, refraining from any activity which might bring about or involve violence, i. e. supplying of weapons, poison etc.; (4) păpopadesavirati requires one to refrain from giving sinful advice or instruction in any of the human activities like trade, commerce, business etc.; (5) duḥśrutivirati which requires complete abstinence from reading bad books which are harmful to purity of thought and action. There are books which excite passions about sex, revenge etc. and bring about a perversity of mind.
The four Sikṣāvratas are: (1) Sämäyika consists in daily worship and contemplation. It is intended to cultivate equanimity of mind and balanced thinking. It also involves introspection, repentance and avoidance of harmful thoughts. (2) deśāvakāśika is supplementary to the vow of placing restrictions on one's own movements in directions by limiting one's movements to certain places and areas; (3) proṣadhopaväsa is observance of regular fasts according to rules on 8th and 14th days of every fortnight. On such occasions, one should avoid indulgence in the use of perfumes etc. and refrain from daily occupations. (4) atithisaṁvibhāga cosists in according due respect to the guests and giving them food, shelter and scriptural books. This is one of the aspects of practising charity in daily life.
It is for a householder or for an ascetic, who has purified his body and mind with the observance of so many vows and tried to shed his Karmas, to observe the vow of Sallekhana when he is faced with death under the circumstances that have been explained in the next Chapter. How should a wise man face death when it is nearing? In the Fifth Lecture of the Uttaradhyayanasutra (vv. 2, 3, 16 to 19, 29 to 31-Jaina Sutras, translated by Herman Jacobi, Sacred Books of the East', Vol. 45) it is stated that there are two ways of facing death death with one's will and death against one's will. "Death against one's will is that
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