omniscience changes into the metaphysical omniscience. It means the complete negation of nescience or cosmic-illusion, by grasping the world's underlying reality. The Vedanta generally subscribes to this view. In this sense of knowledge of Self or Brahman, omniscience is different from the common notion which treats it as the knowledge of each particular detail of the world. Strangely enough, some of the Jaina thinkers like Kundakunda, Yogindu and others sometimes seem to advocate this inward approach to knowledge. "From the real point of view, the omniscient perceives and knows his soul only, 43 says Kundakunda and declares that the practical point of view is unreal. Yogindu says "When Atman is known, everything else is known so Atman should be realised by the strength of knowledge.". "44 Acārānga's statement "one who knows one, he knows all", 45 being supported by monistic trends elsewhere46 can also be similarly interpreted. Of course, majority of the Jaina scholars do not agree to this view and insist upon the interpretation of omniscience as the knowledge of all objects with all their modifications. For the Upahisads, Atman or Brahman is omniscient but for Jainas, Jīvas (souls) are many and they might function as omniscient beings without any couflict.
(D) The Approach of Practical Utility (Margajñata)
The Buddhist attitude to omniscience is practical and not metaphysical. It equates Sarvajñatā with Mārgajñata. Dharmakirti says that they are not concerned with such useless controversies 'as to whether a man perceives the entire objects of this world. They are concerned only with the fact, whe
43 Kundakund, Niyamasära, ed. & trans., U. Sain (Lucknow, Central Jaina Publishing House, 1931), Gatha. 158.
44 Kundakunda, Samayasara, ed. & trans., A. Chakravarti Kashi, Bhartiya Jñana Pitha, 1950), Gathā 11.
45 Acaranga Sutra, I. 2.3; Kundakunda, Pravacanasara, I. 48, 46 Sthananga Sutra 1.1; 1.4 (Ege Aya, Ege Loe)
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