The World of Life : Plants
and like them Indigofera pancifolia (Jhilli) are the habitats of iofinite bacteria, but their stalk and fibre are pervaded by one soul or being. 69
The bulbs of Onion, garlic, plaintain and Kusumbaka (Kustumbaka ? Carthamus tinctorious ) are parittajīvas ( inhabited by limited or individual bacteria) upto those like them.70
The stalks (Vịnta ), external leaves (bāhirapatras ), pericarps (karnikās) of Padma, Nalina, Subhaga, Soga mdhikas, Aravinda, Kokanada, Satapatra and Sahasrapatra71 are pervaded by one soul (or of one soul in cach ), while their internal leaves (abbhimtaraga patta ), the filaments (Kesara ) and seeds (mimjā = Kamal Kākadi ) are inhabited by individual soul or being72 in each.
The eyes (acchim, i.e. buds ), joint (parva) and circular ring of the joint (Balimodao = parimotaka parvanu pariveştana ) of Venu Dendro calamus Strictus, Nala (Phragmites Karka ), Ikkhnvādiya (Iksuvātika = Saccharum Spontaneum ), Masama-Saikkhu (Samāsaiksu = a kind of Sugarcane ), Ikkıda (Sesbania aculeata ), Eranda (Randa = Ricinus communis ), Karakara (a kind of plant), Suņthi (a kind of ginger), Vihumgu (a kind of Vanaspati ) Tana (trna = grass) and Parvagas (trees having joints ) are of one soul (or single soul) in each. Their leaves are pratye kajivikā (inhabited by individual soul), while their flowers are anekajīvā ( inhabited by many bacteria ).73
Pussaphala (a kind of fruit), Kālimga (Tarbuca = Cucumis Usitatissimus or water-melon ), Tumba ( the Gourd Lagenaria vulgaris ), Trapusa (Kākadi = cucumber ), Eelavālu (Prunus Cerasus Linn), Vālunka (Vāluka = a species of Prunus cerasus), Ghoşātaka (Luffa acutangula ? ), Patola (trichosanthus, cucumerina ), Tindoka (Diospyros embryopteris ), Tendusa ( a kind of plant ) and Their Vimta (stalk ), Samamsa-kadāha (SamāmsaKațāha = fleshy part of fruit = ovary and upper skin of the fruit) are of one soul (i. e. pervaded by one soul). Their leaves are pratyekaṁ ( inhabited by individual bacteria ) and also their filamental and non69. “ Paumuppalinikamde amtarokande taheva jhilli ya / etc. anamtajivā ego jivo
bhi sa-muņāle" (88), Ibid., v. 88. " Palamu-lbasana kamda ya kandali ya Kusumbae/ Ee parittajivā, je yāva
anne tähāvihā" (89), Ibid. v. 89. 71. All are different species of lotus. 72. “Paumuppala haliņānaṁ subhaga-sogardhiyāna ya l......Abbhimtaragā pattā
patteyam kesarā miṁjā ", Ibid., v. 90-91. 73. Veņu nala ikkhuvadiya masama saikkhủ ya ikkaderamde /...... patteyar pattālm
puppbaim aņegajivaim” II (93), Ibid. vy. 92-93.
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