Jaina Biology
the soil and the conduction of these substances to the stem (khamdha ). In some plants, for example, aluka ( sweet patato ), mülaka (radish ), etc., the roots have still another function as storage places for large quantities of food.
The Environment of Roots : Soil
The soil (prthivikāya )10 provides a solid, yet penetrable foundation in which plants can anchor themselves and also serves as a reservoir for the water and minerals11 needed by plants for their growth. The soil is another major ecosystem containing a large number of different kinds of animals, bacteria and plants 12 that comprise an interrelated biologic complex.
The Stem and its Functions The stem13 which in a tree includes trunk, branches and twings 14 is the connecting link between the roots, where water and minerals enter the plant, and the leaves, 15 which manufacture food. The. Vascular tissues of the stem are continuous 16 with those of root and leaf and provide a pathway for the exchange of material. The stem and its branches support the leaves so that each leaf is exposed to as much sunlight as possible. Stems also support flowers and fruits17 in proper position for reproduction to occur. The stem 18 is the source of all leaves 7. lbid ; Lokaprakasa I, 5,107-108. 8. “Alue mūlae ca, simgabere taheva ya /", Uttar dhyayana Sūtra, 36-96.;
Gemmațasāra (Comm.), v. 186, Jivakanda ( ginger, termeric, etc. are roots). 9. Ibid.; Utpala, etc. are born of roots, which function as storage places, See
Lokaprakāśa, 5.151; Uttaradhyayana, 36.95. Bhagavati, 9.33.385; 11-(1-8)-116;
Paņņa yaņā, 51 (Se kim jalaruha ). 10. “Pudhavijoniya pudhavisambhavā ....pudhavisu rukk hattae viuttamti /",
Sūtrakrtanga, II. 3.43.; Lokaprakāśa, 5.107-108. 11. "Te jivā tesim nāņāvihajoņiyanam sinehamāhāremt / te jivā āhāremti pudha
Viņai teusariram vāusariram vanassaisariram" Süt:akrtānga II. 3.43; Lokaprakāśa
5.107-8. 12. Sūtrakrtānga II. 3. 13. "Kamdsttae khamdhattae tayattae salattae pavalattãe /" Sūtrakrtānga Il. 3.46.
"Müle kande khamdhe tayā ya şāle pavālapatte ya / pupphe palabie viya patteyam jivaçhānāim //”, vide Lokaprakāśa, 5.77.; Paņņavana, 41, pp. 17-18.; “Mūlakanda - skandha - patradi gatajiva sankhyapramánāni ca", Gommațasāra,
(Jivakanda ), v. 189, 14. Ibid. 15. Ibid. 16. Ibid.; Bhagavati. 7.3.275; Lokaprakāśa, 5.107-108. 17. Ibid. 18. Sūtrakệtānga II. 3.43; Bhagavati. 7.3.275; Pannavaņā, 41, pp. 17-18; Lokaprakāśa
5.77; 5. 107-108.
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