Cell Structures and Functions
Respiration and Energy Relation
All of the phenomena of life growth, movement, irritability, reproduction and others require the expenditure of energy (Virya ),20 by the cells organism. Living cells must have chemical energy.
According to modern Biology, "all living cells obtain biologically, useful energy primarily by enzymic reactions in which electrons flow from one energy level to another."21
The Jainācāryas state that the vital force (Paryapti) by which organisms inhale (breathe in) the particles of suitable respiratory air Ucchvāsamarhaṁādāya dalam), (i. e. Oxygen), transforms it and exhales it (as carbon-dioxide) is called Ucchväsaparyapti.22
Now the question arises what is the necessity of paryapti in respiration, when body and respiration are brought about by dehaucchvāsanāmakarmas (body-respiration producing karma ).23 The reply is that the transformation of matters received by the soul as body is brought about by dehanāmakarma (body-producing karma), while the completion of the started anga (body) is brought about by paryapti (vital force).24 This difference of dehanama karma - from paryapti karma is due to the difference of sadhya35 (performance). Thus ucchvāsa - labdhi (faculty or energy of respiration) is brought about by dehanāmakarma, and its vyāpārṇam (manifestation or actually) takes place due to uccvasa-paryapti (the vital force of respiration ),26 energy) of respiration, born ucchvāsa paryāpti to make it As for example, there being does not become soldier,
Even there being the faculty (labdhi of Ucchvāsanāmakarma, there should be manifested (i. e. bring it into actuality).27 the sakti (capacity) to cast the arrow, one without the capacity of drawing the bow to make it a success.28
This subtle reference to respiration and energy suggests that "for most organisms oxygen is the ultimate electron acceptor, oxygen reacts 20. "Pratiniyatavisiṣṭaśarīrarasaviyasnigdhatvarūkṣvatva", Tarkarahasyadipika, Ţikā on V. 9, p. 159.
21. Biology, p. 62.
Yayocchväsarhamādāya dalam pariņamayya ca /
Tattayalambya mumcetsocchvāsapary aptiru yate // " Lokaprakāśa, Pt. I, 3. d Sarga, V. 22; Nayatattvaprakaraṇam, (comm.) on V. 5, pp. 1'-16.
23. Ibid., V. 23; See also Navatattv. prasarana (comm.) V. 6, pp. 12-16.
24. Ibid., V. 24; See also Navatattvaprakaraṇa ( comm. V. 6, pp. 12-16.
25. Ibid., V. 25. 26. Ibid, V. 26.
27. Ibid., V. 7. 28. Ibid., V. 28.
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