Cell Structures and Functions
high degree of specialization of form and function within the single cell and the cell may be quite large or small.
Modern Biology explains that “a single cell, if placed in the proper environment, will grow and eventually be divided to form two cells."10
The cells of different plants and animals and of different organs within a single plant or animal as found in Jaina Biology appear to be a bewildering variety of sizes, shapes, colours, and internal structures, etc. as the sizes, etc. of their bodies11 indicate, but all have certain features in common. All nutrients (rasa or sineha )13 entering the cell and all waste products. (khala )14 leaving it must pass through some membrane-a living, functional part of the cell, extremely important in regulating its contents. According to modern biology15 this membrane is called plasma membrane which regulates the contents of the cell.
The statement in the Jaina Āgamas that “the matr-angas (mother's limbs ) received and possessed by the child are his flesh, blood and brain and the pitr-angas are his bone, marrow, hair, beard and hair on the body "16 suggests that each cell of the body of the child contains nucleus, “a small spherical or oval body usually,"17 as explained by modern Biology, - an important centre of control which contains the hereditary factors (genes ) responsible for the traits of the organism and directs many aspects of cellular activity.
Energy (Virya )18 :
Energy is the capacity to do work and to produce a change in matter or physical body. 19 It is suggestive from the statement, “Deha10. Biology. p. 34. 11. Tesim pudhavijoniyāṇam rukkbāņam sarirā Dānavaņņā nāvägamdhā nānārasā
Dānāphāsā Dāņāsamțāņa: amthiya Dānāvihasarīra puggalaviuvvitā 1".
Sūtrakrtānga, Srutaskandha II; Adhyayana 3, Sūtra 55. 12. Navatattvaprakaranam, V. 6, pp. 12, 13.; Lokaprakāśa, Pt. I, 3rd Sarga, VV. 15 ff.;
Bțhatsangrahaņi, 367, p. 130. 1?. Sūtrakrānga II, 3. 35. 14. Navatattvaprakaraṇam, V. 6, pp. 12,13.; Lokaprak āša, Pt. I, 3rd Sarga, vv. 15 ff.;
Bphatsangrahaņi, 362, p. 130, 15. Biology, p. 36. 16. "Tao māuyamgā pannatta, tamjaba-mamse soņie matthulu mge 1" Tao piyyamga
pannatta, tamjaha - asthi aithimimjā kesamamsuromaņabe"-Bhagavati Sūtia,
1 7.61.; Tandulaveyaliya, Sūtra, 6, p. 10. 17. Biology, p. 36. 18. " Pratiniyatavisista sarirara sa viryasnigdhatvarūk satva..... ” Tarkarahasyadipikā,
Jainamatam, V. 49 ( Tikā),, Gunaratna, p. 1:9. 19. Ibid.
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