Jaina Biology
production of specialised eggs and sperm which unite to form the fertilized Zygote from which the new organisms develop.80
Adaptation : 81
The Ability of a plant or animal to adapt to its environment is the characteristic which enables it to survive the exigencies of a changing world. Each particular species of plant or animal can become adapted by seeking out an environment to which it is suited to make it better fitted to its present surroundings. According to nodern Biology,', It is obvious that a single plant or animal cannot adapt to all the conceivable kinds of environment, hence there will be certain areas where it cannot survive or some areas where it can survive."82
Many factors may limit the destribution of a species, such as, habitat, earth, water, air, light, temperature, food, predators, competitors, parasites, etc.
The analyses of the types of plants83 and animals 84 and their habitats,85 etc. as recorded in the Jaina Āgamas shows that the types of plants, such as, trees, 86 shrubs87 herbs, 88 creepers,89 grasses,90 etc. were distri
79. Ācārānga Sūtra. Book 1, Lecture 1, Sixth Lesson, Sūtra 48, p. 69.; Sūtrakstānga
Śrutaskandha, II, Adhyayana 3; Sthanānga 2, 3. 1. 129; Bhagavati, 7. 3. 282; Uttaradhyayana Sūtra, 36.170; Jivabhigama 3.1.96; Pannavanā 1.58; Tattvārthasūtra, 2.32; Mülacara II, 2.43-45; Tarkarabhasyadipikā (comm.) V. 49; Gommațasāra
(Jiva ), 83. 80. “Itthie purisassa ya Kan makadae jonie ettha nan mehuņa vattiye (va ) ņāmaí
samjoge samuppajjai, te duhato VI sineham samciñamti... tattha, ņam jivā itthittae purisattāe napumsagattāe viuttamii /", Sūtrakstānga, Srutaskandha 11,
Adhyayana 3, Sūtra, 56, p 98.; See also Biology. p. 418. 81. Sūtrakītānga, śruta skandha II, Adhaya yana ?; Bhagavati Sūtra 7.3.27'; Paņņavanā
Sūtra, Sthāna padam; Jivabhigama Sūtra, 1,4-36; Tarkarahasya dipikā, V. 49,
(Jainamatam), Tika by Gunaratna. 82. Biology, p. 20. 83. See Uttarâc hyayana Sūtra, 26 VV. 94-104 for all types of plants.; Pannavanā
Sutta, Vanas patikāya jivapra ñāpanā 5, Sütras, 25-54. pp. 16-27. 81. Uttaradhyayana Sūtra, 36, VV. 126-155. for all types of animals. Pannavana I,
Sūtras 56-138, pp. 21.35
Pann vanā Sutta 2, Sthānapadam, Sūtras 148-176; pp. 46-55. 86. Bhagavati Sūtra, 22.2.692; 22.3.692; 22.4.692: 23.1.593; 23.3.6:3; 23.4.693;
23.5.643; etc. 87. Uttaradhyayana Sūtra 34. 94-104, Guma, similar to the class Guccha, e. g.
Vịraka (Solamum Melongena ) but brings forth twings or stems, instead of
stalks, e. f. Navamalika (Jasminum sambac ), Kanavira, etc. 88. Bhagavati 21.7.691. 89. Ibid., 21.5.691; 21.6.691; 23.1.693; 23.4.693. 90. Ibid., 21.5.691; 21.6. ; 11.9.427; 12.8.459; 22.4.692.
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