Evolntion of Organic Life in Jaina Biology
organism within the ecosystem form the two basic concepts - habitat and niche which are useful in describing the ecologic relations of organisms.43 In dealing with the ecosystem and adaptation of organisms in Jaina Biology it is revealed that the biogeorgraphic regions of the world are regions composed of a whole continent (dvipa ) or a large part of it (i. e. sthalacarast hānas)44 and characterized by certain unique animals and plants.45 Within these biogeorgraphic divisions and arising as a result of complex interactions of climate, other physical factors and biotic factors are large, distinct, easily differentiated community units, called biomes in modern Biology. 46
It is suggestive from the study of the classification of plants47 into bacteria, algae, fungi, herbs, shrubs, creepers, grasses and trees in Jaina Biology that in each biome the kind of climax vegetation is uniform, but the particular species of plant may vary in different parts of biome. The kind of climax vegetation depends upon the physical environment and the two together determine the kind of animals present.48
According to modern Biology, “The definition of biome includes not only the actual climax community of a region, but also the several intermediate communities that precede she climax community 49”. Aquatic Life Zones (Jalacarasthānas)
Aquatic Life Zones may be divided into Marine Life zones 50 and Fresh Water Life zones for the convenience of study of biomes in these habitats.51
43. See the first sect on of the second chapter for Habitat : Nizh and
Ecosystem 44. See Pannavana Sutta 2, Thānapayam. 45. PaņņavanSutta 1.69.
"Thalayarapamcerdiyatirikkajon!ya duvihā pannatta/ tamjaha - cauppayathalayaraparicemdiyatirikkhajoniya ya parisaprathalayarapamcemdiyaiirikk hajoniyā ya ! etc. Besides, all the beings from one-sensed plants and animals upto five sensed animals live on earth, according to Sthanapada, Prajñapanā Sūtra 11.
148-150, etc. 46. Biology, 586. 47. See the second chapter, four section A and B : "Types of Plants" etc. 48. See the first section of the second chapter: "Biologic Inter relationship.” 49. Biology, p. 586 50. See Thāṇapayam,gPaņņavaná Sutia 2. All beings from one-sensed except air
bodied and fire bodied beings up to the five - sensed beings live in Aquatic life zones - Marine life zones and Free water Life zones. See also the habitats of ap-kāyajivas, Jalaruhas (Pannavanā 1.51, Pañcendriya Jalacarajivas (Pannavana
1.62. 51. Thānapayam, Pannavanā 2
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