Jaina Biology
detail as revealed in Jaina
ecology will be discussed here more in Biology.
Factors Regulating the Distribution of Plants and Animals ;
The study of the classification of organisnis and their habitats reveals that probably no species of plants or animals is found everywhere in the world,8 for some parts of the earth are too hot, 100 cold, too wet, too dry, too something else for the organism to survive. That is to say, all the environments may not be suitable for each of the species of plant or animal for their survival.
Modern Biology also explains that “most species or organisms are not even found in all the regions of the world where they could survive. The existence of barriers prevents their further dispersal and enables us to distinguish the major biogeographic realms characterized by certain assemblages of plants and animals.''10
It is found in Jaina Biology that each species requires certain materials for growth and reproduction. 11 It is presumable that it can be restricted if the environment does not provide a certain minimal amount of each one of these materials.
The distribution of each species is determined by its range of tolerence to variations in each of the environmental factors 12 as it is indicated by the birth of different species of plants and animals in different habitats - land, water and air, 13 etc.
8. "Suhumā savvalogammi, logadese ya bayarä /", Uttaradhyayana Sūtra, 36.100;
"Beimdlyā u. negaha evámāyao / logegadese te savve, na savvattha viyahiya /", Ibid. 36.130. "Teimdiya-logegadese te savve, Ibid, 36.139. "Câurimdiyā - logassa egadesa mmi, te savve parikittia (149) Ibid. Pamcemdiyā - "logassa e adesammi, te savve u viyahiya /", Ibid, 36.158, Maccha, etc... "Loegadese te savve, pa savvattha viyahiya /" Ibid 36.73
About birds "Logegadese te savve, no savvattha viyahiya /", Ibid, 36.188. 9. Sūtrakrtānga 11. 3. 10. Biology, p. 570 11. Sūtrakrtānga II. 3. (Ahāranik se pa ) ; Knowledge of food 12, Sūtrakrtānga II. 3. 43-62. 13. See Thānapayam, Pannavaņā Sutta 2 ; Uttaradhyayana Sūtra, 36.171 ;
Pannavaņa Sūtra 1.61. "Jalacara pamcimdiyatirikkhajoniya thalacarapamcimdyatirikkhajoniya khabacarapamcimdiyatirikkhajoniya /"
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