(Third Section )
Jaina Biology throws some light upon the division, growth and differentiation of a fertilized egg into the remarkable complex and interdependent system of organs which is the adult animal.' The organs new individual with extreme are complicated and reproduced in each fidelity of pattern, but many of the organs begin to function while still developing.2 It appears from the study of embryonic development as revealed in Jaina Biology that the pattern of cleavage, blastula formation (hollow ball of cell-formation or first element formation) and gastrulation is seen, with various modifications,3 in all men and in all multicellular animals, according to modern Biology. The main outlines of human development can be discerned by studying the embryos of rats or pigs or even chicks or frogs.
Cleavage and Gastrulation :
In Jaina Biology it is found that the process of cleavage5 takes place in a single fertilized egg and helps it to develop into a many1. Sattaham Kalalam hoim, sattaham hoi abbuyam, abbuya jayae pesi, resioya ghanambhave (17, to paḍhame mase karisů nam palam jayai 1 biye mase pesi samjayae ghana 2 taie mase maue dohalam janai 3 cautthe maue aṁgāim pinei 4 pamcame mase pamca pimdiyão pāṇim payam siram ceva nivvattei 5 chatthe mase pittasoniyam uvacinei 6 sattame mase sirasayaim 700 pamca pesisayaim 500 navadhamanio navanauim ca romakuvasa yasahassaim nivattei 9900000 vinā kesamaṁsuņa saha kesaunaṁsuna addhuṭhão romakuvakodio nivvattei 35000000, atthão romakuvākoḍio nivvattei 35000000, atthame mase vittikappo havai 8" Tandula Veyaliya 2, p. 6.
e. g. Putrajīvarasaharaņi (umbilical cord) functions. stream of mother's blood.
3. Tandula Veyaliya 2, p. 6.
Jain Education International
"Atha dasarātrataḥ kalalatamupayati nijesvabhavato/daśadasa bhirdinaih Kalușatām sthiratäṁ vrajalia karmaņā punarapi buddbhdatvaghanata bhavati, pratimasa masataḥ pigitaviśālată ca bahikṛta sa hi pamcamamsatah // 53. Avayavasamvibhāgamadhigacchati garbhagato hi masataḥ punarapicarmaņa nakhaṁgaruhodagama eva māsataḥ / usaśuṣiramuttāmāṁgamupalabhya muhuḥ sphuranam ca masato Navadasamasato nijanijavinirgamanam vikrtistato anyatha (54)" Kalyāṇakārakam, 2nd chap., vv. 53. 54, p. 27.
absorb food from the
4. Biology, p. 430.
4/a Biology, p. 430.
5. Tandula Veyaliya 2, p. 6
"Sattaham kalalam hoim, sattaham hoi abbuyam ......upto atthame mase vittikappo havai "
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