( First Section)
Reproduction Asexual Reproduction and Sexual Reproduction.
The survival of each species of plant or animal requires that its individual members multiply that they produce new individuals to replace the one killed by predators, 2 parasites3 or old age and disease5. The actual process of reproduction varies tremendously from one kind of animal to another, but two basic types of reproduction, Saṁmürcchima and Garbhavyutkrāntika,7 can be distinguished. Even the highest animals reproduce asexually as evidenced by the fact that “the production of identical twins from the splitting of a single fertilized egg, is a kind of asexual reproduction."8
Sammürcchima (asexual birth or reproduction) involves only a single parent, (i.e. it does not require parent) which splits, buds or 1. Sūtrakstānga 11. 3. 19, etc. 2. Sūtrakrtanga II. 3. 17, "macchäņa ṁ susum aranam......egādesenań oya maharcmti,
etc. e.g. fishes, porpoises, as long as they are young, they feed on the mother's
humours, or both movable and immovable beings. 3. Sūtrakstānga II. 128 (ānusuya ) "anusūttāc viuțfanti" 4. Jarãe parināmao.... Jarāghare viņassamte, jivo vasaiakāmao" // 9 // (40), etc.
Tandula Veyaliya 41, p. 16. 5. "Himabhinnasaro dino, vivario vicittao /"... dubbalo dukkhio suyai /" Ibid.
"dubkito - rogadipidālak sa vyaptah", Ibid (comm.), p. 17 old age (jara ) and
disease i roga) are the two of the ten conditions of life. Ibid (comm.) 6. Sūtrakrtānga II. 3; Pannavaņā I. Jivapa, avana, ; see births of Beimdiya - to
pamcemdiya Jivas - Sammurcchima and Vyutkrantika, etc.
Tāttvārthādhigama Sūtra, II. 24, 34. 7. Bhagavati Sūtra 7.5 282 ; Jivabhigama 3.1.96 ; 1.33.36
Uttaradhya yana XXXVI. 171 ; Pannavana Jivapannavana (from two-sensed to
five-sensed animals). 8. Biology. p. 411. See Uttaradhyayana Sūtra, XXXVI 170. All pañcendriyas are
both Sammūrochima and Garbhaja, (i. e. they have a sexual and sexual re
production). 9. Bhagavati, 7.5.282; Jivabhigama Sutra 3.1.96 1–33.36. Uttaradhyayana Sūtra
XXXVI. 1'0; Pannavanā Jivapānnavanā. 1.57, p. 27 scc dvindriya to pancendriya Jivapaņņavanā.
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