Jaina Biology
of being produced from matter is non-living matter-because it is the mode of cetanasakti (capacity of consciousness).75Dravyendriya is produced bythe rise of angopānga (limbs )-and nirmānanāmakarma (i. e, constitution - making-nāma karma).76 There are stated to be two divisions of it, viz. nirvrtti and upakarana77 ( accomplishment and means ). The name of the shape of the sense-organs is pirvștti. It is also divided into two kinds, viz. bāhya (external), and abhyantara (internal ).24 The external shape of the sense - organ is called bāhyapirvrtti, while the name of the internal shape is ābhyantara nirvștti. The external part is just like the sword, while the iniernal part is like the sharpness of it which is made of very fine translucent atom. Both material and psychical natures of the internal nirvytti have been described. Upakarana is the means of nirvștti ; it is also external and internal.25 In regard to the shape of the sense - organs it should be noted that there are many kinds of shape of skin, as already pointed out but there is no difference in its external and internal shapes.
The internal shape of skin of any being is just like the external shape of skin.26 But in the case of other sense-organs it is not so. Except skin the internal shape of all other sense-organs are not identical with their external shapes. The internal shapes of kindred senseorgans of all classes of animals have been accepted as of one and the same type. As for instance, the internal shape of the ear is like the shape of a kadamba-flower, that of the eye is like the lentil, that of the nose is like the atimuktaka flower, that of the tongue is like khurupa ( dagger or weeding agricultural implement). The internal shape of the skin is of different kinds. The external shapes of all the senseorgans are different in all cases of animals, as fore example, the cars, eyes, noses and tongues of man, elephant, horse, cow, cat, rat, etc. 28 75. "Sämänyatah dravyamayāņi drāyātmkāni dravyendriyaņi bhavendriyani tu
bhavatmakanyatmapariņatirūpāniti /” TS. Bhā., 164. 76. Ibid., p. 164. 77. "Nirvyttyupakarane dravyendriyan" TS., II. 17; 73. “Nirvyttirangopānganāmanirvartitanindriyadvārāņi, karmaviseşasamskītāh sarira
pradeśah nirmāņanāmängopängapratya mūlaguņanirvarianetyartaha", Ibid, p.164. 79. TS. Pt. pp. 164, 165. 80. TS., Pt. I, 165. 81. Bhs., 2, 4.499 ; Prajñāpanā 15. 191 ; Pancadasa, Indriyapada, Prathama Uddesaka,
Prajāpana, pada, 15 ; Fourth Karmagrantha, pp. 36-37; TS., Ch. II. 17-18 and Vrtti : Visesava, syakabhāsya Satha. 2993-3073 and Lokapra kasi, sarga, 3, SI.
464 ff. 82. TS., P. I, pt. 165.
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