Jaina Biology
'I he Ear (Srotendriya):
As described in Jaina Biology, the car is of the shape of Kadamba Puspa51 (Kadama flower ). It is suggestive from the statement "the ear hears the touched and entered sound":52 that the organs of two different senses, hearing and equilibrium, are located in the ear.53 According to modern Biology, “these organs are buried deep in the bone of the skull. and a number of accessory structures are needed to traosmit sound waves from the outside to the deep lying sensory cells.54
Conclusion :
Indriyas have been studied in Indian Philosophy from the points of view of etymology of the word 'Indriya, cause of indriyas, their place, (substraction ), their number, their cbject, their shape, their mutual identicality and difference, their kinds and distinction of apprehensibility of substance - quality (dra vyagunagrahitvaviveka, etc.) The earliest reference to its etymology is come across in the Pāṇini Sūtra.55 The same etymology of the word 'Indriya' found its way in the early Buddhist and Jaina texts like Visuddhimagga56 and Tattvārthadhigama Sütra's Bhäsya57 respectively. Besides, it is also recorded in the Jaina Agama Bhagavati Vyakhyaprajñapti.58
In the history of the etymology of the word 'Indriya' there are mainly two things to be noted - the one is that the Buddhist grammarian Panini's commentator have given place to that etymology in their respective worksin details, while. Acārya Hemchandra,59 the Independent Jaina grammarian also has given position to it in his own Vyākarana 51. Pannavaņā Sutra 1. 15 Indriyapadam, Samthāņadaram. 52. Ibid., Putthadārazn. Indriyapadam. 53. Biology, p. 382. 54. Ibid. 55. Iodriya mindralingam indradrsta mimdrarstamindrajustamindradattamiti
5.2.93 56. VM. XVI, Indriyasaccaniddesa, 4, 5, 6 ; Darsana and Chintana, p. 134. 57. "Pancendriyani bhavanti / ārambho niyamärthah şada dipratisedharthasca /
indriya mindralingamindrarsta mindrajuşta mindradattamiti va" (pa, A. 2.pa. 5, Sū 93) / indro jivah sarvadravyeşvaišvaryayogat vişa yesu Va paramaigvaryayogät, tasya lingamindriyam, linganat sücanāt pradarśanadupaşqam bhanad - vyañjanácca
jivasya lingamidriyam", TS. bhá., II. 15, p. 162, 58. Bhs., 1-7-61. 59. Indriyam', Hema sabdanuśäsanaṁ, 7.1.174, p.128.
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