The Organisation of the Human Body
203 i.e. it is in the central channel of the spinal cord. The two chains of the sympathetic ganglia on the left and the right are named Idā and Pingalā respectively 31. Idā, the left sympathetic chain, lies stretching from under the left nostril to below the left kidney, in the form of a bent bow, while the pingalā is the corresponding chain on the right 32
According to Sangita-ratnākara, 33 "of the seven hundred nervecords of the sympathetic-spinal system the following fourteen are most important, viz. (1) Susumnā, in the central channal cord.
31. “Vamavahā aillā, dāhinaparıvähini bhave biya
Taiyä puna ubhayavahā...... (3124)", Samvega Rangasala ; p. 243 "Vamaga ida nädi sa inah sthanam dakşiņaya pingala nāma raveh sthānam madhyamagā suşumnā nama sivasthanam (61,"
Yogasastra, Hemacandra ; p. 347 32. Ibid.
Sangitratnākara, Svarádhyāya, Pindotapattiprakaranam Slokas 151-163. "Tāsea bhūritarastāsu mukhyāḥ proktāścaturdasa / Suşumneda pingalā ca kuhūratha sarasvati (151) Gandhari hastitihvă ca vāruni ca ya sasvini / Visvodara sankhini ca tatah pusa payasvins (152). Alambuseti tatradyastisro mukhyatamā matah / Susumna tisrşu sreştha vaisnavi muktimārgagā (153). Kamdamadhye sthitā tasya idä savye 'atha daksine / Pingaledāpingalayoścaratas candrabhaskarau (154). Kramātkälaga terhetu suşumna kalasoșiņi / Sarasvati kuhuscaste suşumnāyāştu Pārsvayoh (155). Idayah Prsihapūrvasthe gandhārihastijihvike / Kramatpūşayasasvinyau pingalzPșştha pūrvayoh 1156). Visvodara madhyadese syātkuhūha stijihvayoh/ Madhye kuhūyasasvinyorváruņi samsthita matā (157). Pûşasrasvatimadhyamadhyamadhisete payasvini / Gamdharikasarasvatyormadhye vasati saukhini (158). Alambusa ka ndamadhye tatredāpingale kramāt / Savyadakṣiṇanās'antan Kubüramehanam purah (159). Sar svatyurdhvamājih vam gārdhārya Prşthatah sthitā / Āvāmanetramäsavyapadanguşthan tu samsthită (160). Hastijihvä sarvaga tu varunyatha ya sasvini / Asamguşthāddakşiņängadhristha dene visvodarā'akhilam (161). Sunkhini savyaakarnantam pūsä tvā yamyan tr.tah/ Payasvini the vitatā dakşiņaśravaņūvadhi (162). Alamvusā payuemūlamavaşabhya vyavasthitä. Evamvidhe tu dehe' asminmalasamcayasamVrte "163". Samgita-ratnākara 151-163 pp. 59-61. Sārangadeva.
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