Jaina Biology
eye sees the non-touched and non-entered sense-objects, the nose smells the touched and entered smells, the tongue tastes the touched and entered objects in the mouth and the skin experiences the touches of the touched and entered objects”, 10 suggests that the nerve system, composed of brain, spinal cord and nerve trunks, connects receptors, (muscles and glands) and conducts the impluses from one to the other in such a way that when a given receptor is stimulated the proper effector responds appropriately. That is to say, in the words of modern Biology” the impulses transmitted by all types of neurons-motor, sensory and connector - are essentially alike. The fact that one impulse results in sensation of sight, another in a sensation of sound, and another in muscle contraction, and another in glandular secretion, is due entirely to the nature of the structures to which the impulses themselves”. 11 The Central Nervous Systems :
The nine hundred nerve cords 12 that make up the nervous system in Jaina Biology may be divided into two main parts: those belonging t: the central nervous system which make up the bring (matthu )13 and spinal cord (pitthakaramdā ? )14 and those belonging to the peripheral nervous system, which make up the cranial and spinal nerves. 15
The Spinal Cord ( Pitthakaramdā ? )16
It is the tubular spinal cord, surrounded and protected by the neural arches of the vertebrae, it has two important functions : "to transmit impulses to and from the brain and to act as a reflex centre", 17 according to modern Biology. 10. Bhagavati Sūtra, 2.4.99.
“Prajñapanā Sätra Indriyapada, Putthadaram,15. 1-194-195 **Putthāim saddāim sudeti... ... Pavțișhāim saddāiṁ suneti tabā pavitthānivi”.
Pannavana, puttadāram 15. 194-195 11. Biology, p. 356. 12. Tandula Veyāliya, 16, p. 35. 13. Ibid 1?, p. 38. 14. Ibid 16, p. 36. 15. "Etto nadiddaram, nädi ca tiha bhana mti tavviuno / paddhamā idā para piingala
ya taiyá susumaņa ya (3123)", Samvega Ramgasala. p. 243. edited by Shāh “Ida ca pingala caiva suşumnā Ceti nadikan /"
61. Yogaśāstra, Hemacandra, p. 347. 16. Tandula Veyaliya, 16, p. 35. 17. Biology, p. 360.
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