Jaina Biology
muscle of arm bone (Biceps and triceps branhii) is like the shape of a large skinned rat and twice the size.7
Mention of 500 muscles of man, 470 muscles of woman and 480 muscles of the neuter in Jaina Biology suggests that in the Vertebrates three types of muscles have evolved to perform various kinds of movements. (1) skeletal muscle, which is attached to and moves the bones of the skeleton, (2) cardiac muscle which enables the heart (hiyaya) to move and moves the blood through the circulatory system (śira, dhamani and srota) and (3) smooth muscle, which makes up the walls of the digestive tract and certain other internal organs, and moves material through the internal hollow organs.
The Muscles of Lower Animals.
The muscles of all animals from the flat worm to man are similar in that they are all made of long cylindrical or spindle - shaped fibers "which are contractible because of the protein chains."8 Most of the invertebrates (two to four-sensed animals) have only smooth muscle; whereas arthropods (ganḍupada-knotty-legged and Nandyavarta=spiders, Arthropoda, etc.) have only striated muscle.
7. Ibid. (97)
"Santthanato janghapinḍikamamsam talapanṇaputabhattasanthanam Ürumamsam nisadapotasa mthanam / Anisadamamsam- uddhanakotisanthanam / pitthimamsam talagulapatalasamthanampasakadvayamamsam kottha ikaya kucchiyám tanumattikalepasanṭhāna mtibanama msam vatjevtvä avakkhittmattikäpindasamthianaṁ.. pakatam hoti" (97).
"Disato dvisu disāsu jātam. Okasato sadhikani tini atthisatani anulimpitvā thitam. etc.", Ibid, 93.
8. Biology, p. 350.
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