The Organisation of the Human Body
According to modern Biology, "these cells undergo division and give rise to the hair cells, just as the inner layer of the epidermis gives rise to the outer layers. But the hair cells die, while still in the follicle, and the hair visible above the surface of the skin consists of tightly packed masses of their remains. Hair grows from the bottom of the follicle, not from the tip' 34
There are stated to be twenty nails including all finger nails and toe nails.35 They also "develop from the inpocketings of cells from the inner layer of the epidermis and the growth of nails is similar to that of hair” 36
It is suggestive from the statement in Jaina Biology that “sweat flows through the hair follicle”37 that "oil and sweat glands are derived from the inner layer of the epidermis by inpocketings which go deep into the dermis. Each hair follicle is associated with oil glands”. 33
Head Hair (Kesas)39 :
Head hairs are called Keśas which grow on the inner skin (reticular layer of the dermis) of scale of cranium. Visuddhimagga states that they grow on the reticular layer of the dermis of scalp of cranium (sisakataba palivethanacamme jātā ), just as kuntha grasses grow on the top of ant-hill.40
As to location, of (bair follicle) it is the wet inner skin (derinis) that envelops the skull, "it is bounded on both sides by the root of the ears, in front by the forehead and behind by the napkin. As to delimitation, they are bounded below by the surface of their own roots which are fixed by entering to the amount of the tip of a rice grain into the inner skin that envelops the head.”:41
34. Biology, p. 339. 35. "Samkhya nakhānamapi vimšatiḥ syāt /". Kalyāṇakāraka, 3.6, p. 31. 36. Biology, p. 339. 37. "Svedam Vamatyutkafaromakūpair /" Kalyäņakāraka, 3 12 ; p. 32. 38. Biology, p. 339. 39. Bhagavati Sūtra 1.7.61, ; Tandula Veyaliya 2, p. 6; p. 7 40. VM XI 48. "Ime Kesā nāma sisa katahapalivethanacamme jätā ?" "Kesā tāva ...
Pacchato Galavätä.. .. Paricchinnan.. .. okäsa / Paricchedato kesā ... ...
hettha ättano mūlatalena.. paricchină /" "Satā" 41. Ibid. VIII. 83.
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