The Organisation of the Human Body colon, but almost all organic and through the small intestine."64
inorganic substances are absorbed
The Large Intestine ( Thulanita )65
The material remaining, after the nutrients (rasa ) have been absorbed, passes from the small intestine (taṇuyamta ) into the large intestine or colon (Thülasta ) which is larger in diameter and with thicker walls with sixteen pamtis ( walls or folds )66 than the small intestine, according to Biology.
The main function of thūlamta is to absorb water and reduce the wastes (Khala ) to a semi - solid state (i. e. uccāra )67 in addition to transporting the wastes to the rectum (pāyu ) to be ejected from the body. In support of Jaina Biology for its function Modern Biology explains that "both churning and peristaltic movements occur in the colon, although both are ordinarily slower and more sluggish than those in the small intestine. Periodically more vigorous peristaltic movements force the contents along, until they finally reach the rectum”.68
Comparison of Digestive System :
The Chemistry of disgestion and paryapti involved are much the same in man as in the amoeba (Kuksi krmi or Krmi); the two-sensed animals (protozoa ), whose bodies consist of single cells, do not of course have any digestive system, for they take food by the process of lomāhāra 69 (diffusion ). So the digestion in them is inter-celullar. Modern Biology explains that "an ameba engulfs a bit of food and forms a food vacuole in which the food is surrounded by a membrane70 (i. e. lomäbāra71 of Jaina Biology). Digestion occurs within this vacuole as it circulates in the cytoplasm. Digestive enzymes produced in the cytoplasm are poured into vacuole and digest the food within. The
64. Biology, p, 304 65. Tandula Veyāliya, 16. p. 36. Kalyāṇakāraka, 3.4. 66. Kalyāṇakäraka 3.4. Sthutantraparinktiḥ şodaśaiva". 67. Tandula Veyaliya ; 16, p. 35 ; "Teņa ucсāre parīņamati' 63. Biology, p. 305. 69. "Tayā ya phase ya loma āhāro /", Brhat Sangrahaņi 183.
; "Lomāhārastu sariraparyäptyuttarakālam bahyayā tvacā, Lomabhirāhāro
lomāhārah / Sūtrakstanga II. 3. comm.), p. 87. 70. Biology p. 310 71. "Oyāhārajivā savve, apajja taga muneyawa /
Pajjattanga ya loma, āhäro", Pakkheve homti bhaiavvā, Brhat Sangrahani 182(4).
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