Jaina Biology
fat (meda), the marrow (majja) in every part of tissue of the body is supposed to be connected by subtile srotas with the same kind of fluid or tissues in every other part.173
Here also the function of eight srotas of Jaina Biology is supposed to be the same as those of right Srotas of the Suśruta.
The Vascular system:
The anatomical arrangement of siras and dhamanis and srotas is so obscure in Jaina Biology that only a rough sketch of its general features may be presented on the basis of the views of Caraka and Suśruta regarding them. Both Jaina Biology174 and Caraka-Suśruta 175 give the number of siras as seven hundred, while the number of dhamanis is mentioned as twenty four in Jaina Biology 176 and Suśruta177 as two hundred in Caraka 178 which estimates the ramifications as numbering 3,056,900.179
The Heart (Hiyaya )180:
The heart is a powerful muscular organ located in the chest under breast bone. In the Sangitaratnakara the heart is stated to be be lotus-shaped (hrdayam - pamkajakṛti )184. It is considered to the seat of waking consciousness, for it expands during waking life and contracts during sleep.182 According to Visuddhimagga, heart is located "inside the body near the middle of the frame of the ribs (uratthipañjaramajjham) like a piece of meat placed near the framework of an old cart'. 183 "It is the colour of the back of a red lotus petal, 173. Tani tu prāṇannodakara saraktamāṁsamedomūtrapuriṣagukrārtavavahani yeş-vadhikara ekeṣām bahūni / ...... upto tayormulaṁ snayutvacam raktavahāśca dhamanyastatra viddhasya svayathurmaṁsasoṣaḥ siragranthayo maraṇam ca/" etc. 8 Sarirasthāna, Suśruta, Chap, 9.
Tandula Veyaliya, 2. p. 6; 16, p. 35; Kalyaṇakaraka 3.2, p. 30
175. Suśruta, Sarirasthana, Chapter 7; Caraka Sarirarsthana Chapter 7, p. 383. (Saptasiragatani ).
176. Kalyaṇākāraka, 3.3, p. 30.
177. Suśruta, Sarirasthana, Chapter 9 "Caturvimsatird hamanyo"
178. "Dve dhamaniśate", Caraka, Sarirasthana, 7, p. 338.
179. Caraka, Sarirasthana, 7.
180. Tandula Veyaliya, 16, p. 35.
Hidayam pamkajakṛti /" Sangita Ratnakara V. 82, Dindotpatti, vide Positive Sciences of the Ancient Hindus. p. 225.
182. Susiram syadadhovaktram etacca cetanasth anam nimilati svapity ātmā jāgartti vikasatyapi, Ibid. vv 83-84, Pindotpatti, Svaradhyaya
183. Visuddhimagga XI, 59. "Hadaya sarirabbhantare uratth/pañjaramajjhamnissāya thitam/"
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