The Organisation of the Human Body
fron red cells. “The chief function of the white cells is to protect the body against disease organism.”139
Blood Blatelets :
not clearly mentioned in Jaina Biology, but the reference to blood of dead movable living beings 140 implies the suggestion that this third type of formed elements of the blood are important in initiating the process of blood clotting. “They are colourless, spherical, non- nucleted bodies about one third the diameter of a red cell”. 141
The Circulatory system :
The circulatory system is the transport system, for it carries food and oxygen (ucchvāsavāyu ) to all the tissues (peśīs) of the body, 142 removes the waste products of metabolism (muttapurīsa, etc.).143 According to Biology. it "carries hormones from endocrine glands to their target organs and cqualizes body temperatures',144
The circulatory system includes heart (hiyayam ),145 the blood vessels (Sirās, dhamanis, śrotas), 146ņhāru, 147etc.) and the lymph vessles 148 in addition to the blood, 149 lymph (Simbha) 150 and tissue fluid (rasa), 151 i. e. it include arteries with capillaries, veins, nerves, lymphatic vessels, etc.
139. Biology p, 253, 140. Sūtrakttānga II. 2,18 141. Biology, p, 255 142. "Imammi Sarirae satthi sirāşayam nabhippabhavanam...rasa haraniotti vuccanti",
etc. Tandula Veyaliya, 16. p. 35 143. "Imassa Jamtussa satthisirāsayam nābhippabhavāņam ahogamiņiņam gudappa
vitthanam jāna m si nirūvaghäenam multapurisavāukar mam pavattai /",
Ibid, 16, P, 35 144. Bioloxy, p, 362. 145. Tandula Voyaliya 16, p. 3:. 146. Tandula Veyāliya 2, p. 6; 16 p. 35 (siras ; Kalyanakāraka, 3.2, p. 30 (Sirās )
Tandula Veyaliya 2, p. 6 (nava dhamanis); Kalyāņakaraka 3.3 (2nd dhamanis)
Kalyāṇakāraka 3.4 ( 8 Srotas ). 147. Navaṇhārusayaim” - Tandula Veyāliya, 16, p 35 148. "Panavisam sirão simbhadharinio" Tandula Veyaliya 16, 5 or Kaphasthoma,
Kalyāṇakāraka. 149. Tandula Veyāliya 16, p. 35. · 150. Tandula Veyāliya, 16, p. 35 (Simbha )
151. Tandula Veyaliya 16, p. 25 (Rasa )
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