Jaina Biology
defence against bacteria and other disease organism, and its clotting mechanism helps prevent the loss of this valuable fluid”. 106
Blood ( Sonita or rudhira or rakta ) fits the definition of tissue, although it appears to be a homogeneous crimson fluid as it pours from a wound.107 It permeates the whole of the body by following the network of arteries and veins, 108 except head-hairs, body hairs, nails, and teeth. According to Buddhaghoșa, blood (lohitam) is of two kinds, viz. stored and mobile blood, 109 The former "fills the lower part of the liver's site to the extent of a bowlful and by its splashing little over the heart, kindneys and lungs, it keeps the kidney, heart and lungs moist". 110 The latter permeates the whole of the body by following the network of arteries (dhamanījālānusāreņa ) except hairs on the head and body, teeth, nails, the parts where there is no flesh, and the dry skin. 111
Jain Biology states that blood gets generated in the foetus developing in the mother's uterus in the sixth month of her pregnancy112 and it nourishes the embryo. A human body contains 1/2 ādbak of blood 113. But it does not throw much light upon the composition of blood as it is analysed in modern Biology which explains that “it is composed of a yellow liquid, called plasma, in which float the formed elements; red blood cells, which give blood its colour, white blood cells and platelets.” 114 Plasma :
Although Jaina Biology does not refer to plasma which is a conplex mixture of proteins, amino acids, carbodydrates fats, salts, hormones, enzymes, antibodies and dissolved gases, 115 nevertheless its
106. Biology, p. 249. 107. Ācārānga Sūtra II. 4.; Sūtrakrtanga II. 2.18, 108. Tandula Veyaliya, 2, p. 6. 36, P, 33. Visuddhimagga VIII. 109. "Lobitan ti dve hohitādi : samicitalohitūñ ca samisaranalohitan ca etc. 110. Visudddhimagga, VIII, 130 ; 1X-72, vide Sacitra Ayurvedā, p. 76, March, 1972,
Dr. Jyoti Mitra. A study oś Anatomical Material in Vissuddhimagga of
Buddhaghoşa. 111. Ibid. VIII, 130 ; IX, 72 112. Tandula Veyāliya 2, p. 6. 113. "Rudhirassa adhayam" Tandula Veyaliya 16, p. 35; Kalyāṇakäraka 3.7, p. 31.
"Rakta tathārdhākamátrayuktam;". 114. Biology, 241. 115. Ibid., p. 250.
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