Jaina Biology
sensitive parts (masma)
of the body,27
some endoerine glands, 28,
In the description of the body, like Buddhaghoşa29 the Jainācāryas have intentionally sketched it to create a repulsion in the minds of their followers towards it.30 But the definitions or rather anatomical description of the body given by Caraka31 and Susruta32 in this context are quite different from the Jaina and Buddhist views on it as their objective was to deal with medical science.
So the Jainācāryas suggest to their monk followers to review the different aspects of the human body.33 They do not define like Caraka34 and Buddhaghosa35 that it is constructed out of five or four primary elements of matter. Nevertheless, they admit that the body is constituted of matter (Pudgala)36
The main aspecte of the body as described by Jaina Biology, starting from blood (sonita37 or rudhira38 ) down to some endocrine glands are as follows : blood39, hard or congealed fat (meda),40 semiliquid fat (Vasā),41 synovia (raiyā).42 spittle (khela),43 snot (simgänaka),44 27. "Sattuttaram mammasayan" Tandula Ve yaliya. 16, p. 35. 28. Testes, ovaries. seminal glands etc. 29. Visuddhimagga VI, 89, VI. 46. (sariram hi asuci ) 30; Taad ulaveyaliya, p. 38 (māņussayam sariram pūiyam ) 31. Carakasamhita IV. 6-4. Tatra śariram nāmā Cetanādhisthānabhūtam etc. 32. Susruta Samhită 1-1 5.3 "Tacca-Şadıngam sakhāscatasro madhyam Pancamam
şaştham siram iti /" etc. 33. Tandula Veyaliya 16, p. 31, 17, p. 38, etc. 34. "Tatra Sariram nāmacetanādhisthānabhūtam pancamahābhūtavikāramudayat -
makan samayogavāhi /," Caraka IV. 64. N. B. Buddhaghoşa does not include ākāśa element and consciousness (Cetana)
in the group of mahābhūta. 35. "Imam eva kāyam ti imañ catuma hābhūlikam", Visuddhimagga VIII, 45. 36. "Sarfravāngmanahpränäpänāh pudgalānāṁ/" Tattvarthadhigama Sutra V. 9 37. Tandula Veyaliya 3, p. 7. 38. Ibid. 16, p. 35. 39. Tandula Veyaliya, 3, p. 7 ; 16. p. 35, etc. 40. Meda, Tandula Veyaliya, p. 40. 41. Vasă, Ibid, p, 40 42. Ibid., p. 40. 43. Rasiya, Ibid. 44, 1bid.
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