Jaina Biology ( a kind of ducks ), Payahamsā (a kind of ducks ), Rāyahamsā (Ganders), Adā (a kind of bird ), Sedi (a kind of bird ), Bagā ( Vakas, herons ); Balāgā (Balākās, cranes), Parippavā ( a kind of birds), Komcä (Krauñca= curlews, wading birds with long slender curved bill), Särasā (the Indian cranes ), Mesurā (a kind of birds ), Masurā (a kind of birds), Mayurā (peacock ), Satavacchā (a kind of birds ), Gahară (a kind of birds), Pondariyā (a kind of birds ), Kāgā (Kākas, black crows), Kāmajugā (a kind of birds), Vamjulagā (a kind of birds ), Tittira (partridges ), Vattagā (a kind migratory bird allied to partridge, esteemed as food, quail), Lāvagā (a kind of birds ), Kavoyā (pigeons ),
lā (a kind of birds), Parevayā (a kind of pigeons ), Cidagā ( a kind of birds), Cāsā (a kind of birds ), Kakkuda (wild cocks ), Sugā (Sukā, parrots ), Barahiņā ( a kind of birds), Madanasalāgā (a kind of birds), Koilā (Cuckoos), Sehā ( Sekhā, peacocks ?), and Varellagamādi ( a kind of birds) etc.69
Samudgapaksi :
Samudaga paksi is of one kind only. This species is not found in India, but they live in the external islands and seas. 70 It is not possible to identify this class at the present state of our knowledge of taxonomy.
Vitata tapaksi :
and it lives in the external islands and
It is also of one kind seas.71
All these birds are of two classes, from the point of view of the mode of origin viz. Saṁmūrochima72 ( asexually reproduced ) and Garbhavyutkrantika ( sexually reproduced ). Those which are Sammürcchimas are Napumsakas. Those which are Garbhavyutkrāntikas are of three kinds, viz. Itthi (female ), Purisa (male), Napumsaga (third sex ).73
Of these aerial animals - developed and undeveloped, there are stated to be 12 lakh varieties and birth - places.74
69. Pannavaņā 1.88. 70. Paņņavaņā 1.89. 71. Ibid. 1.90. 72. Sammūrcchimas grow by assimilating the materials in their surrounding. Accor
ding to a second explanation their internal organ does not fully develop. 73. Pannavaņā Sutta, 1.91-:-3. 74. Ibid., 1.9 -4,
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