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Jaina Biology
Vertebrates have a pair of eyes ( cakkhu ) 10 that develop as lateral outgrowths of the brain. Invertebrate eyes, such as, those of insects (pipilikā, Kunthu, etc. ) may be highly developed and efficient, but they develop from a folding of the skin.11. Another vertebrate characteristic is a pair of ears (Sõeimidiya ), which in the lowest vertebrates are primarily organs of equilibrium.12
The circulatory system of vertebrates is distinctive in that the blood (Sonita ) 13 is confined to blood vessels (dhamanis and sirās) and is pumped by a ventral, muscular heart (hiyaya )14. The higher invertebrates, such as, arthropods and molluses (suktika and sajikha, etc.) typically have hearts but they are located on the dorsal side of the body according to modern Biology and“ pump blood in the open spaces in the body called a hemocoel. Vertebrates are said to have a closed circulatory system ; arthropods and molluscs have an open circulatory system ; for the blood is not confined solely to tubular blood vessels” 15
Classes of the Sub-phylum Vertebrata :
: The five - sensed animals of Jaina Biology can be classified into eight classes of the Subphylum Vertebrata of Modern Biology, viz. (1) the Agnatha - the jawless fishes (matsa ), e. g. Saņhamaccha, lan eels, etc. (2) the Placodermi - the jawed fishes, (3) the Chondrichthyes, e. g. sharks ( timi?) with cartilaginous skeletons, (4) the Osteichthyes -- the bony fishes, e. g. Rohiyamaccha (5) the Amphibia (frogs, Mandūka ), (6) the Reptilia (parisarpas ) - lizards, snakes, turtles and alligators, (grhagolikā, Sarpa = ahi, Kacchapa and Godhā), (7) the Avesbirds (paksis ) and (8) the Mammalia - the warm blooded fur bearing animals that suckle their young sthalacara catuspada prāņis, Apes and man ).
In Jain Biology the five - sensed animals lower and higher vertebrates are first classified into two main classes of the subphyla on the basis of their mode of origin, viz. (1) Sammurcchima (generatio aequivoca)
10. Bhagavati Sūtra 16. 1. 566 ; Tanduveyaliya 8. 87. ; Pannavaņā Sutta, 191.
Indriyapada Bhagavati 2.4.99 ( cakkhu ) 11. Tvac. (Skin ) ; Bhagavati Sūtra 16.1 566, Tandulaveyaliya 3, p. 7; Paņnavaņā
Sutta 191, Indriyapada ; 12. Biology, p. 231. 13. Ācārānga Sūtra II, 4. (sonita ); Sūtrakstānga II. 2.18; Bhagavati Sūtra 1.7.61
; Tandulaveyaliya 2. P. 6; Kalyāņakāraka); Ugradityacaryā, v. 7. p. 31 Rakta;
Tandu aveyaliya 2, p. 6.; Katyaņākāraka, vy. 2, 3, 3rd paricchida, p. 30. 14. Sūtrakstānga !I. 2.18. 15. Biology, P. 231
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