A LOVER OF LIGHT AMONG LUMINARIES: Dilip Kumar Roy From his own experience, Sant Gulab Singh learnt that there is but one Infinite, Eternal, Changeless Existence, the All, which is given different names by the followers of various religions and sects.
In 1949 he delivered an enlightening lecture on Christ at a church in Simla on 'The Practice of the Presence of God'. He asserted that if once an individual believed that the Omnipresent God dwelt within each of human beings, he would never go wrong. A monk or a householder needs to depend exclusively on God to safeguard himself against evil, pain and unhappiness. When one realises the presence of the spark Divine in one's own heart, one gets the meaning of one's existence. Otherwise he or she is insignificant. A soul that has realised the self can command all light, all influence, all fate. He cited from Christ's sayings and stressed the importance of simplicity and purity in life. From his wide knowledge, he affirmed authentically:
'The Sermon on the Mount... is the quintessence of the teaching of Jesus Christ. It embodies those imperishable truths that had been enunciated in the Upanishadas and discoursed in the Gita and Guruvani. These are the eternal truths derived from the experience of the soul and expressed in immaculate language."168
When he visited Dilip Roy's temple-house, Hari Krishna Mandir in Poona, in January 1979, Roy was impressed by his childlike simplicity. When somebody requested him to give his message to the devotees of 'Hari Krishna Mandir, he replied:
.when we pray to Him to rain on us His Grace, we must never think that we are superior to others. The more we ascend the more humble we should be-we must indeed be lowly as grass... one must never judge people, nor find fault with others. One must be severe to oneself but tolerant to others."169
Striking the note on his final favourite ideal, he said:
"So our constant prayer must be: Teach me, Lord, how to love and serve all we meet on the way, with our feet on earth and grow to love earth in our hearts.' We must bring down heaven. with our love remembering all the time that we have been sent. by Him so that we may transform our earthly home into a peer of paradise. Yes, we must establish heaven here, on earth."170
(B) Evaluation
Through this sketch, Dilip Roy pays homage both to the saint as well as the sainthood. In the beginning of his article, Roy quotes a few lines from the poem written by the mystic poet, A. E. and also from Aldous Huxley's biography of
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