Jaina Philosophy
held one opinion regarding the nature of the internal universe. Both held that the Armatativa, Aham as it is called, is without a beginning. It has neither resulted from any cause, nor is it born of any. Just as this Armatattva is without a beginning, it is also endless from the point of view of place and time. It is different in every body; it is not really one.
There was a third thought-stream wbich looked upon both the external universe and the internal world of Jivas as the resultant of some absolute saltativa. It also refused to accept any difference in the original external or internal nature of cause of the universe.
Nature of the Jajna Stream of Thought
The three streams of thought mentioned above, can here be known as Prakrtivādi, Paraminuvadi and Brahmavādi respectively. A fourth stream of thought, more allied to the first two and yet independent, was also in progress. This stream of thought was actually Faramāruvadi, but it did not favour, like the other si to consider the atoms which are taken as the cause of the external universe to be basically of different types; they believed that basically all atoms are of the same type. Even though they accepted the atomic theory, they did not believe that only the universe is bord of the atoms. Like the Prakrrivadis-naturalists, they bolieved in result and revelation and consequently stated that the external universe very naturally results from the hoap of atoms. In this manner, the tendency of the fourth stream of thought is to accept the result of Prakṣtivada on the basis of the background of the atomic theory,
One peculiarity of it was that instead of looking upon the entire external universe as revelatory, they looked upon certain acts as creatory from it. The view also stated that there are so many objects in the universe that are born of the cause in form of the atom without the effort of any Puruşu. Such things reveal themselves, like oil from the sesamum only from the cause; they are not newly born. However, there are so many things in the external universe which are actually born from their gross causes, but expect the effort of some Puruşa. The things that are born
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